A Comanche On The Fear Of A White Planet
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James Fulford writes: Dr. David Yeagley, an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation, has survived a number of illnesses over the years, but his latest, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, is considered terminal.

You can read about it, and his struggles with the health insurance system, at his own website. [Cancer, Insurance, and Personal Hypocrisy, October 20, 2013.] We’ve been publishing his pieces here since 2002, and we would like to continue to publish them, but we may not get the opportunity.

Dr. Yeagley is a fighter, though. One of his great successes was suing the “anti-racist” thugs who attacked the American Renaissance 2010 Conference. [An Indian Patriot Sues The People Who Shut Down American Renaissance’s 2010 Conference]

Subsequent conferences have been held without incident. We wish him well, and are happy to publish this inspirational speech from  the American Renaissance 2012 Conference—A DVD of this speech is available from Amren.com.

David YeagleyI think that it’s very important to establish off the bat why in the world I would go to bat for the white race, particularly the White Anglo Saxon Protestant race, the very race that subjugated the American Indian. This strikes many people as ironic. They assume that I’m some kind of millionaire in the background just having fun, trying to cause trouble and the other things that rich bored people do. Like George Soros or, for that matter, T Boone Pickens.

I can’t fully explain it because I operate on intuition—and thereby evince my primitive nature! My father was a Kraut and my mother is Comanche  so I’m destined for battle one way or the other!

It seems to me that the American Indian encounter with the white European was a cultural train wreck, a tragedy from the Indian point of view—but a past event. It’s over.

What do we do now? You can’t describe a tragedy in a way that’s appealing, but you can reinterpret it so that it is meaningful, so that there is advantage in it, so that there is purpose in it.

That’s what I’ve tried to do. You have to be very honest once you delve into these racial realities. The white race didn’t do anything the Comanches didn’t do, they just did it better, on a larger scale.

To this day, Comanches are known as the baddest—I could think of all kinds of foul terms here which are used to refer to Comanches—the bad guys. Always the bad guys in everybody’s minds. They are the people that are going to destroy you if you come near them. In fact, they say the name Comanche comes from a Paiute word “k?mmantsi”—enemy.

Of all the Indians, Comanches most closely followed the code of Veni Vidi Vici. They just appeared from nowhere out of the southern Rockies. I tell everybody that we came from the wind. We didn’t come from any other tribe, we came from the wind! We didn’t come from the earth, we came from the wind!

They came, they saw, and they conquered everything in sight and created the largest hunting empire on the continent. Drove out every other Indian tribe, including the Apaches, whom the Spanish couldn’t drive out of Texas over the course of 300 years. Comanches had them out in about, what? Six months? Oh, probably a little longer than that. But very quickly.

The idea that your race is the only race, Comanches took that to the extreme. Nobody else counts. We don’t want any part of any other people. We don’t need them. This is solipsism in the extreme.

So how can I turn around and criticize another race that just had better weapons, more numbers, and were doing the same thing?

Real warriors admire other warriors. They admire honor and strength. So I don’t have any hard feelings about that. I don’t want to identify with the professional bellyachers.

I mean, that’s a terrible thing to say, but that’s what they’re doing and they get paid to do it. The Left, the liberals, the professional good-deed-doers, they hired up a bunch of Indians from the north country and paid them to hate America, hate everything about it, and protest the sports mascots.. That started back in the 1960s. Go for the big media targets: protest the Redskins, protest the Cleveland Indians, this sort of thing.

And they set a precedent that I have not been successful in erasing. I have not been able to erase the image of the Indian as professional complainer, perpetual malcontent. They try every way, raising our young people as victims, teaching them victimhood from the time that they’re born.

That slavery thing, although the Left makes a lot of hay out of that, that was an import. The black people were imported. Whatever wrong that was done to them was in a different realm than the native who was moved off of his homeland.

But we Indians still have a piece of that homeland. I compare white Americans and their treatment of those whom they conquered to Mao Tse Tung, to even Adolf Hitler, or Stalin. They didn’t leave anybody standing. People they didn’t like, they got rid of. I tell my friends, my Indian friends, look, the WASP sector of the white race is pretty remarkable, because not only were we left standing, but we were given land.

I think what’s needed is a positive approach to life for Indians and for everyone else. And I say to the WASPs about their own culture: don’t be a Ghost Dancer, thinking only about the past. If your country is changing into something you don’t want to see, if you find yourself being herded into some kind of socio-economic reservation, don’t just give up and wish that the times were like they used to be. You’re becoming an Indian, that’s what’s happening—a white Indian.

It is especially distressing for Indians to watch their conqueror giving away the very real estate that they fought the Indians for. There was a lot of blood spilled over this! This was a bloody path, the building of America! To turn around and give that away—give it away to Muslims!—what is this?

I know people try to put Indians all in one basket and that Indians don’t like that, generally. We had different languages, different religions, we lived in different territories, we had different lifestyles, we dressed differently—that’s why we never united. That’s why there is an America. Because Indians could never unite. It never occurred to them to unite.

But I don’t know that “unity” is the solution for whites either. I say be more local about it. In America, I’d say states’ rights is the path to take.

The WASPs are the ethnic group that created America. That’s the foundation of this country. You’ve got to build on top of that. That’s just a fact. If you’re brave and proud, you don’t mind acknowledging people that are stronger than you.  I say that coming from a people who were defeated.

I don’t mean to sound like Friedrich Nietzsche here, but there is a certain honor in strength. I tell everybody: be strong. Be as strong as you can be, because if you’re not, someone will take everything you have from you. That’s the law of the jungle, or the prairie. If you value what you have, if you value what you are, be prepared to fight for it.

This is absolutely heathenish talk here that I’m giving you!—but it’s absolutely true! If you’re not willing to fight for it, it will be taken from you.

That’s what I taught my students at Oklahoma State University. I got to the point where I was saying very radical things. I made trouble before I made tenure, so I’m not teaching at OSU anymore. But I believe in what I’m saying and I risked things to say them. I think we should consider doing this an honor. You can join the Indians around the campfire and brag about your scars.

I believe that Indians should become more involved in politics and have a sense of ownership of this country. After all, every chapter of U.S history was written by Indian wars. Every step of development in this country is a result of encounters with American Indians, from the day the Pilgrims arrived to the day Jamestown was founded until…the casinos. [Laughter]

I tell Indians look, America is your adopted son. You raised him. He washed up on your shores. He didn’t know where he was. He needed a lot of help in the beginning. The relationship is such, that for every inch that he grew, it was by virtue of a relationship with some tribe around him.

So I think Indians can be very proud of our foster child. He turned into the greatest nation in the world.

I tell Indians: why can’t you own that? Why can’t you be part of that? Look, he’s still printing your faces on his currency! He still loves to name his sports teams after your image!

And I don’t think this is false on the part of white Americans. I think that they really feel a profound pride in their relationship with Indians.

Yeah, it was a victory that everyone knows was the result of being outgunned and outmanned. But if you’re a warrior, you don’t argue about things like that.  The white man has this disposition to put the Indian in an important place in the American consciousness, the collective consciousness, even the collective unconscious. The Indian is the talisman of the country.

But there’s something else about the moral code that came with the white man: he’s not so anxious to take the position of warrior as he once was. I think that this is related to fear. That’s the title of my talk here and where I’m going to go in the amount of time left.

It was the whiteness of the whale that above all things appalled me.” Thus wrote Herman Melville in his famous 1850 novel Moby Dick. In that chapter, called “The Whiteness of the Whale,” Herman Melville, who was white, also northern, also a liberal, created this little artificial diversity world on the whaler Pequod. He put every race and culture and language and religion on that boat that he could possibly cram in, and they were all in the hot pursuit of the white whale.

In this one chapter—I recommend everybody read, it’s an incredibly poetic chapter —he observed how the color of white has ensconced itself in all civilization, how it is used in art, how it is used in clothing. He says white can be terrifying, especially as the color of something that is otherwise terrible in itself, such as a bear, or in this case a whale. Of course, the white buffalo, which he does not mention, is an Indian thing, a spiritual portent.

 Here’s one passage. So dreadful is whiteness

“that all deified Nature absolutely paints like the harlot, whose allurements cover nothing but the charnel-house within; and when we proceed further, and consider that the mystical cosmetic which produces every one of her hues, the great principle of light, for ever remains white or colorless in itself, and if operating without medium upon matter, would touch all objects, even tulips and roses, with its own blank tinge — pondering all this, the palsied universe lies before us a leper; and like willful travelers in Lapland, who refuse to wear colored and coloring glasses upon their eyes, so the wretched infidel gazes himself blind at the monumental white shroud that wraps all the prospect around him. And of all these things the Albino whale was the symbol. Wonder ye then at the fiery hunt?”

This is incredible!—A white man talking about whiteness.

Examine yourself on that. This is your personal spiritual journey. How does white affect you?

Now, we’re in Tennessee, so I’ve got to refer to a Southern literary figure, Edgar Allen Poe. He wrote a novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym about polar exploration, the South Pole, 1838.

When Pym gets there via shipwreck, he’s marooned on this island, he finds it’s all black people. And they receive Pym and his companion, who happens to be an Indian, with subservience, I mean, I don’t know how else to describe it. Poe tells us that these are the most wretched, deceitful, violent savages on the face of the Earth—and they’re terrified of whiteness.

To make a long story short, Pym and his companion get the chief of the blacks on a canoe and are going down this river rapidly, and they come to a huge cataract, and in the middle is a gigantic figure in white. Poe doesn’t describe it other than that: “The skin of the figure was of the perfect whiteness of the snow.” The chief is so terrified that he dies of a heart attack. He’s dead on the boat before they even get to the figure. They’re going toward this figure—and the novel ends there. It just ends in whiteness.

Jules Verne  wrote a sequel, which is not all that popular:  the Ice Man, the Ice Figure.

Now, you’ve got two views of whiteness, one from a Northern liberal and one from a Southern—I don’t know, can we call Edgar Allan Poe a conservative?

On the Northern side, via Melville, the white man himself doesn’t know what to do with whiteness. From the Southern side, via Edgar Allan Poe, he puts the fear of whiteness in the darkies, to use an old British term for anybody that wasn’t British even if you were white.

Talk about solipsism!

I think the issue here is: do white people fear whiteness? Is this something that is in the collective unconscious of the human race or is it just a cumulative reaction of the white man to himself, that he feels in himself having conquered everything in sight?

Is that why he’s a little unsettled about whiteness? Whiteness as a conquering force?

Because that’s the historical record of the white race. It is incredible. As I said, as a Comanche I have to salute you for that, that’s what Comanches did too.

How you create a moral justification of conquering? That’s your challenge, I suppose.

Let’s go Freudian and Jungian about this. According to Freud, that’s what the libido is all about, is slaughter. By virtue of your degree of sublimation of the libido, you are a civilized person. But the instinct is to—well, it is something beyond murder, it is something beyond killing. What you’re doing is consuming. Consumption is actually unification of two separate bodies that come together. This is the Freudian sexual theory and this is the Jungian sexual theory, it is the coming together of disparate parts. That’s the mystical version.

We could take this as far as you want to take it. The composer Alexander Scriabin wrote a piano sonata about a mystical experience where a man sees this beautiful star and he’s in pursuit of the star and he comes closer and closer and closer to it until he consumes it and he becomes the star. This is mysticism. It’s all about sex, you all knew that anyway. [Laughter]

But there is the issue of survival and managing the libido. Success is always a matter of management. A Jamaican told me that one time: “It’s all about the management, mon!”  I think there is something to be said for that.

Back to America. I can speak to America, I don’t really have the right to say much about Europe, but as an Indian I think I have a right to speak about American white civilization.

Our friend Ann Coulter, in her book Treasondo you know about this one?—one of her early ones, probably her best one in my opinion—repeatedly refers to Harvard and Yale as the offspring of the Pilgrims, the bluebloods. She identifies them as traitors to white America. This is where liberalism comes from. I don’t know that I have her blessing, but I will expand that again into psychological theory.

This is what I call the Oedipal Complex. The white liberal is basically trying to destroy what the father has left. This is the dynamic. The son hates the father, not out of some homosexual theory but because the father interfered with the beautiful mother, that beautiful utopia that the mother provided for the infant. The father comes along and interferes with that, the child has a natural competitiveness with the father.

Well I’m applying that—this is a field called psychohistory—to the behavior of the white race. Because the problem is the white race. Just like Poe and Melville. The Civil War was over white people, it wasn’t over black people. It was over white people who had different ideas about who is right and who has got the most guns and the most men. It was about white people. I mean I hate to pull the Negro off the stage here, but he’s really got a minor part. This was a white people’s war.

Your understanding of what’s wrong dictates what your solution is going to be. If you’ve got a wrong understanding of the problem, then you’re going to waste a lot of bullets. We all have to live with ourselves, at least look for a solution that makes sense to us.

The liberals think that they can correct everything that has happened in the past. They’re romantics also. They think it is a wonderful thing to give back everything that the white man took. The liberal white man thinks he’s the better white man.

But it will come down to this: do you want freedom, or not? Freedom costs blood. That’s the fact. That’s the law of human nature. If you want freedom, you have to pay a price.

And if you turn around and give it away, you’re not going to have it.

The option Americans are playing with here is horrible. What they have now, which was bought with blood, which was bought by fighting Indians, that’s going to be taken. And the replacement is not a different kind of freedom. You don’t replace freedom with freedom. Freedom is replaced by oppression—by dominance—by horrible things.

So, again, I accuse myself of rank heathenism here, but, to use a moral justification, that is a political tactic. I’m saying, in the end, just take what you have the strength to take, and keep it.

Thank you. [Applause]

Dr. David A. Yeagley [email him] is an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation (Lawton, Oklahoma). His articles have appeared in TheAmericanEnterprise.com, FrontPageMagazine.com, VDARE.com, and on his own web site, BadEagle.com. He is a speaker for the Young America’s Foundation, and for the John Birch Society. David Yeagley’s columns for VDARE.COM include An American Indian View of Immigration, and To Deport or not to Deport. David Yeagley is the author of Bad Eagle: The Rantings of a Conservative Comanche and Altered States: The State of the Dead and the State of the Holy . In 2011 he sued the people responsible for shutting down the American Renaissance’s 2010 Conference. Subsequent conferences have been held without incident.

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