See also: Doxing The Doxers: Antifa’s War Against Regular Americans Is Run By Spoiled Rich Kids
Leftist enforcer Jared Holt likes to ruin people’s lives. He takes pride in deplatforming patriots from social media and payment processors, and, of course, enjoys watching them lose their livelihoods. Yet the patriots that Holt has made a career of attacking have done little to publicize his own past or activities; i.e., his close ties to Antifa, and other advocates of terrorist violence, or his sly suggestions that police and conservative women deserve to be harmed. Now it’s time to dox another doxer.
Holt has a long past of inflammatory, inappropriate commentary on social media. During high school, he instructed high school girls not to “look like an easy freshman whore.” Others who called themselves “freshies,” he wrote, “sound like a queer” [REVEALED: Anti-Gay Facebook Past of Right Wing Watch’s Jared Holt, by Peter D’Abrosca, Big League Politics, June 27, 2019].
Holt got his start in Washington D.C. politics working at Media Matters, the “non-profit” that “monitors” conservative media. Holt then built his resumé at RightWingWatch, a project of People for the American Way [Meet Jared Holt, the guy who’s getting Alex Jones kicked off the internet, by Amanda Marcotte,, August 8, 2018].
While there, he spread the media smear, which ended in court settlements, that Nicholas Sandmann and the Covington Catholic High School kids were “racists” for defending themselves against the racial insults of the Black Hebrew Israelites and an Indian fake war hero at the March for Life [Viral Video Showing Covington Catholic High School Students Prompts Propaganda Warfare, by Jared Holt, Right Wing Watch, January 22, 2019].
Now Holt is grazing on greener and better-funded pastures: The Atlantic Council. Like most other think tanks, it boasts of a lofty mission: “The Atlantic Council promotes constructive leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the Atlantic Community’s central role in meeting global challenges.” In other words, it’s another of the ubiquitous Leftist foundations that provide employment for the otherwise unemployable.
Instead of writing 250-word hit pieces about conservatives, Holt’s new position confers the prestige of being an extremism “expert.” Holt, of course, has no expertise in anything except character assassination, but that aside, at least he needn’t work all that hard. A search of the site returns just two “reports,” both done with others.
It’s a nice, cushy job if you can get it, at a nice, cushy prominent think tank.
In fiscal 2018, the most recent year for which there are tax forms available, The Atlantic Council brought in $30 million in contributions and grants. People for the American Way brought in a piddling $7 million. Clearly, Holt has moved up in the world.
The Atlantic Council is the ultimate Deep State Death Star. Contributions of $1 million or more came from Facebook, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the embassy of the United Arab Emirates.
Other Big Names include these Blue-Chip companies:
Of course, it also takes money from taxpayers around the globe in the form of subsidies from the U.S., British, French, German, Japanese, Finnish, Lithuanian, and Bahraini governments. The European Union is also a contributor.
Subsidies from American taxpayers come from the departments of Defense and Energy, the U.S. Marine Corps (!), and the U.S. Mission to NATO.
As reported earlier, Holt’s family is wealthy and well-connected; nor is he alone in his world-shaking endeavors. His fiancée is Andrea Schultz, otherwise known as Dre Schultz on social media. Her LinkedIn page advertises her as a grants specialist in the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance at the U.S. Agency for International Development, which means she helps distribute foreign aid.
So while Holt’s Atlantic Council receives money from the U.S. government and foreign governments to talk about so-called right-wing “extremism,” his fiancée helps make the U.S. government’s decisions on disaster assistance. No conflict of interest there!
Last year, by the way, Holt wrote about the ouster of White House USAID liaison Merritt Corrigan, something of an interesting hit piece given his fiancée Schultz’s job at the agency [Ousted USAID Trump Appointee Teaming Up With Right-Wing Hoaxers Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, RightWingWatch, August 4, 2020].
That said, a strait-laced, wing-tipped outfit like the Atlantic Council, and the governments and corporations funding it, should not be too happy their money is funding an “extremist” researcher and professional doxer who is, as is his record shows, practically embedded with Antifa. USAID, which appears to shy from controversy, should not be too happy that one of its employees is intimately involved with an apologist for far-Left extremism and terror.
Consider a few highlights from Holt’s career as a doxer and podcast host:
So I’m going to join in the chorus of Splinter, and say that you should absolutely not send dick pics to a phone number that reads—actually, you know what? Bleep that out. I don’t want to get accused of harassment. Let’s not do that this time. But yeah, there is an article on Splinter that does have these tweets embedded, which are still live for some f***ing reason, [...] but yeah, do not send Joey Salads your dick pics. Disavow. We do not endorse.
As for his opinion of what should happen to conservative women, Holt said this about Fox commentator Tomi Lahren:
[Cardi B] made this Instagram video where she’s talking about the government shut down and then, when Tommy Lahren, or Tamara Laundry, or whatever the f-ck you wanna call her, tweeted that Cardi was, you know, she’s saying this sarcastically, “The latest genius political mind to endorse the Democrats.” Cardi responded back, “Leave me alone. I will dogwalk you.” Which is slang for just like, basically, beating the shit out of somebody. ... It f-cking rules, man. I’d love to see.
Holt’s fiancée might contemplate that remark before she walks down the aisle. But anyway, he revealed on his podcast he has relied on research from Antifa to help dox his political enemies:
I wrote a piece last year for RightWingWatch. We were able to sort of follow up on the work of antifascist activists and researchers [emphasis added], who believe they had identified [Jack] Corbin. We were able to come in and hit the nail on the head and just get it down rock solid that this was exactly who he was.
Holt also consorts with open Antifa extremists and even runs interference to defend fellow “journalists” from being accused of being associated with Antifa. The so-called journalists— calls them “Journofa”—have a vested interest in downplaying the violent threat from Antifa, as Holt regularly does.
But he bristles if you accuse him of Antifa sympathies.
Consider the following:
In a hilarious video of Gavin McInnes confronting Holt at the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference, Holt is standing next to Laura Sennett, who goes by “The Liberty Lamp” on Twitter.
“I’m Antifa,” her Twitter bio says, and Sennett also calls herself the “Antifa Yenta,” or “Yentifa.”
But Sennett doesn’t support Antifa; it’s her full-time, real life job. Sennett considers Daryle Lamont Jenkins, the man behind the radical doxing outfit One People’s Project, her “BFF.” She’s worked with Jenkins and with OPP for 16 years. For the record, OPP sells “Antifa” merchandise on its website. So there’s another Holt-Antifa connection.
More proof that Holt is tight with Antifa can be found, again, at his podcast. Given that a frequent leftist talking point is that “platforming” someone who peddles “hate” is “endorsing” what they say, Holt must be endorsing the views of the most vile Antifa apologists. One of them is Kim Kelly, who appeared on Sh!tPost in 2019.
Kelly famously lost her job at NPR because she publicly endorsed anti-ICE terrorist Willem Van Spronsen when she called his violence an “act of righteous sabotage:”
As Van Spronsen and many other heroic comrades before him have made clear, there are many ways to fightback against a violent fascist regime. Perhaps it’s time for more of us to put our thinking caps on.
That was July 14. Kelly appeared on Holt’s podcast the next day.
While she was at Vice, Kelly published an article with this headline: How to Make the Perfect Milkshake for Throwing at Fascists [May 28, 2019].
And as milkshake victim Ngo reported, Kelly promoted a fundraiser for a “political prisoner” who happened to be a prisoner because he assaulted a Trump supporter:
Throughout her career, Kelly has defended Antifa—even in The Washington Post [Stop blaming everything bad on anarchists, June 4, 2020]. Antifa, she wrote, is peaceful.
Antifa supporter Luke O’Brien, a “senior reporter” for HuffPo, as also appeared on Holt’s podcast multiple times:
Note that Holt seemingly endorsed O’Brien’s views by telling people to show him “some love” and to follow him on social media.
O’Brien himself wrote a puff piece to support Nashville Antifa, portraying them as innocent victims, while interviewing the violent Corey Lemley [Nazis March In Tennessee Today. Last Time That Happened, I Ended Up With Antifa In A High-Speed Car Chase, HuffPo, January 21, 2018]. The previous year, Lemley assaulted reporters with a baseball bat.
O’Brien has bragged about interviewing “dozens of Antifa.”
O’Brien not only supports Antifa by helping “platform” them, but also attended a talk by Ngo to accuse the Antifa victim of falsely connecting O’Brien to the terror outfit [Andy Ngo decries Antifa ‘ideology’ in DC, by Cockburn [sic], The Spectator, November 8, 2019]! He even accused Ngo of being a “fascist sympathizer” because Ngo, a homosexual, opposes Antifa terror.
Another of Holt’s podcast guests is Emily Gorcenski, an Antifa activist who advocates violence and doxes political enemies. Gorcenski is also a confessed hacker, a big no-no, according to the Twitter Rules.
Like many on the left, Gorcenski doesn’t differentiate between “Nazis” and normal, average, everyday Trump voters. To Gorcenski, they’re the same, and deserve the same fate. Using the display name “ANTIFA is better than Patriots,” Gorcenski solicited photos from a Trump boat parade to dox the attendees and ruin their lives. Gorcenski brags about her gun skills in preparation for conflict with right-wingers, and of course backs Antifa and its terror tactics.
Holt has also hosted “Socialist Dog Mom” Molly Conger. Holt’s a big fan, and instructed listeners people to follow Conger’s Twitter account after she publicly praised terrorist Van Spronsen, who she called “a modern-day John Brown.”
John Brown, of course, was the abolitionist terrorist funded by 19th-century Deep Staters known as the Secret Six.
She also has mocked the deaths of police officers as part of a longer thread making fun of what is considered a line of duty death.
Conger shows off her gun skills on Twitter, with Gorcenski warning people should “shouldn’t mess” with her.
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Like her friend Gorcenski, Conger doxes perceived enemies, usually in long Twitter threads.
Conger also endorsed Holt’s podcast. Holt, apparently, has not disavowed support from the Antifa-loving “activist.”
The podcast recommendation was spurred by Nation contributor Jordan Uhl, who, like Holt and Antifa fellow travelers, trivializes its violence. Uhl even “corrected” CNN when a CNN headline got close to speaking the truth about Antifa.
Two recent guests on Holt’s podcast were Michael Edison Hayden and Hannah Gais, two $PLC “researchers” who downplay and joke about Antifa because of their leftist sympathies.
Of course, Holt defends media comrades connected to Antifa. In the Columbia Journalism Review, Holt critiqued a damning report by Eoin Lenihan, who showed just how tight some journalists are with the terror group [Right-wing publications launder an anti-journalist smear campaign, June 12, 2019].
Holt even referred to Antifa partisan Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, as a “lecturer at Dartmouth,” which doesn’t quite do him justice. To make his point, Holt hid the truth. For Holt, “anti-extremism research” runs in only one direction.
Holt has coasted through much of his career without criticism, of course. Conservatives are afraid to push back for fear of appearing in one of his hit pieces and losing a job. He answers criticism in vulgar, profane, sexist language.
Twitter users report that even using the “b-word” in lyric tweets invites a suspension. Yet Holt has used that term in direct messages to critics, meaning it was targeted harassment.
Yet Twitter said they did not violate any rules.
Coincidentally, Twitter is one of the top donors to the Atlantic Council. Given that Jack Dorsey follows Gorcenski, one can conclude he is an Antifa sympathizer.
Maybe Holt isn’t quite the right candidate to help The Atlantic Council in “shaping the global future,” as it modestly describes its mission.
Rosa Luxemburg [Email her] is a philosopher who supports political dissidents and freedom of speech for all.