[This article appeared in yesterday's Washington Times, and is reprinted here with our trademark hyperlinkage.]
Herman Badillo, the first Puerto Rican-born U.S. congressman, architect of key federal bilingual voting and education laws and a fixture of New York City politics for nearly five decades, is now 77 and senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute think tank. It's a great fit.
Mr. Badillo's partial
autobiography, One Nation, One Standard,
his dramatic end-of-career conversion on questions like
the unintended,
assimilation-retarding consequences of
institutional bilingualism and the failure of
government programs, and
political action generally, to improve the lot of
the Hispanic community to which he devoted his life. His
book is a testimony to the efficacy of this remarkable
public policy shop's brew of
libertarian and
neoconservative ideas—and ominous evidence of their
ultimate limitation.
Mr. Badillo's message is blunt and bracing:
"American Hispanics need, first and foremost, to envision and adopt a completely new culture of self-improvement. ... the true solutions to their problems lie not with government but within themselves."
In effect, Mr. Badillo is
advocating Hispanics adopt the
Protestant Ethic. This strikingly echoes
development expert
Lawrence E. Harrison, who has
argued in works like Culture Matters
The Central Liberal Truth
differing religious and Colonial histories go far in
explaining the differing
economic performances of Third World societies. And
indeed, Mr. Badillo explicitly blames what he repeatedly
calls Latin America's
"five century siesta" on Spain's authoritarian
Colonial and Catholic legacy.
Amazingly—and I don't remember hearing about this while Mr. Badillo was active in New York politics—it materializes that he actually is a Protestant, one of Puerto Rico's very few, from a family persecuted for its Protestantism way back into the 19th century. Orphaned at 5, he reports laconically that he persisted in attending a Baptist church, though the only Protestant in the neighborhood, "because somebody, probably my dying mother, must have impressed upon me that I had to attend the Protestant church, even if I had to go alone." Clearly, this was culture that mattered.
Mr. Badillo's personal experience differs from the Hispanic norm in another way, the memory of which seems to have resurfaced to influence his thinking now. On being brought to the United States as a Spanish-speaking 11-year-old, he was dispatched to an uncle who had married an American and lived a completely English-speaking life in a paradisiacal Southern California suburb. Totally immersed, Mr. Badillo got himself elected high school class president within two years.
He does not say, probably wisely, whether the suburb remains completely English-speaking or paradisiacal today.
Mr. Badillo eventually became a lawyer and a CPA, courtesy of public schools and the legendary free City University of New York. He quite reasonably regards himself as living proof that education is the ladder out of poverty. He is enraged that racial politics has substantially destroyed that ladder in New York. The core of his book is his epic struggle with New York's educational bureaucracy, latterly as Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's education special counsel and chairman of CUNY's Board of Trustees.
Some of this is so tragic you have to laugh. For example, Mr. Badillo reports he has spent 40 years trying to retire obsolete airplane engines from the vocational high schools he once attended, even finding law clients who would pay for new ones, only to fail because of the difficulty of retraining teachers (aka union rules). So students are still prepared for non-existent jobs.
At one point, Mr. Badillo discovered New York was recruiting "bilingual" teachers from Spain who spoke no English—proof that the policy he helped develop had become a language-retention racket. As CUNY chairman Mr. Badillo attacked Hostos Community College for graduating students who did not know English—only to discover this was standard practice at all community colleges, though none admitted it.
Mr. Badillo says frankly that "bilingual" education is still in place. Paradoxically, reading about his heroic efforts leads inexorably to the conclusion that an education system that must be led by heroes is fundamentally flawed. The problem is that education is a socialized industry. The only answer is privatization—replacing politics with market processes. But this is apparently still unsayable.
Similarly, though Mr. Badillo's criticisms have inflamed Hispanics, the brutal truth is that he does not go far enough. He disregards accumulating evidence that the United States is importing a second, Spanish-speaking underclass (and even repeats the long-exploded claim that 44 percent of Hispanics voted for President Bush in 2004). The real question, which neither Mr. Badillo nor his new allies want to ask, is: Why does the United States want another underclass anyway?
Peter Brimelow is editor of VDARE.COM and author of the much-denounced Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster, (Random House - 1995) and The Worm in the Apple (HarperCollins - 2003)