If Washington wanted to develop a vibrant underworld of vicious criminal gangs, it couldn't do any better than the immigration system now in place. The permissiveness toward lawbreaking border-crossers combined with the pure numbers of immigrants who cannot possibly be assimilated in such bulk has created a witches' brew of crime-spawning social pathology. The worst creatures are the Hispanic gangsters who kill innocent Americans in order to illustrate aptitude for savagery.
A recent heart-breaking
the slaughter on March 2 of 17-year-old
Jamiel Shaw, Jr. The South Los Angeles high
school student was shot dead just a few doors from home
by two Latino men who jumped from a car and demanded to
know to which gang he belonged. When he didn't answer,
they shot him down. His
father heard the shots and went outside to see his
boy bleeding on the sidewalk. [A
youth 'on track' until fatal gunfire, By Paloma
Esquivel, Paul Pringle and Francisco Vara-Orta, LA
Times, March 4, 2008]
Jamiel had no gang connections. He was apparently just another random victim of Hispanic gangsters killing blacks to drive them out of their corner of Aztlan. The promising football star had received inquiries from Stanford and Rutgers universities about a possible athletic scholarship. His mother, Army Sgt. Anita Shaw, was called home from her second tour of duty in Iraq after the murder of her son.
The family is crushed. Dad Jamiel Sr. said they have "simply lost everything."
No arrests have been made in the case. The family is asking the public for help in bringing the killers to justice.
The murder has some
similarities to the barbaric shooting of 14-year-old
Cheryl Green in December of 2006. The
eighth-grade student is said to have strayed into the
territory of the 204th Street Latino gang, known for its
anti-black racism; she was certainly
killed because of her race and because of America's
refusal to enforce immigration law.
Two Hispanic men, both members of the 204th Street gang, were arrested a few months later for Cheryl's murder. One, Ernesto Alcarez, is apparently an illegal alien.
The other gangster, Jonathan Fajardo, is the son of immigrants from Belize. He is also accused in the killing of a witness in connection with the Green shooting. Christopher Ash, 25, died of multiple stab wounds and a slit throat.
The City of the Angels recently experienced a daytime gang battle that brought out the police SWAT team and closed down dozens of blocks for six hours. Several schools were locked down for that time.
Veteran L.A. Police Department officials described the bizarre midday shootings—and the widespread disruption they caused—as highly unusual even in an area known for gang activity. It left the neighborhood littered with shell casings and its residents fearful.
Police blamed the incident on the notorious Avenues gang, which has cast a wide shadow over districts north of downtown L.A. for decades and continues to be active despite several high-profile attempts by authorities to shut it down. [Gang mayhem cripples large area, LA Times, February 22, 2008]
Los Angeles used to be a wonderful American city. Now that it has become Mexican (in the words of former Mayor Hahn), LA is a preview of the future America. It should alarm many more citizens into pro-sovereignty activism.
Gangs are the inevitable blowback from importing millions of excess, unskilled workers from the third world, who end up in bitter competition with one another and home-grown citizens. Normal family dynamics are scrambled by the immigration process. Young children may gain inordinate power compared to elders by their ability to speak English, and the generation gap is magnified to an unhealthy degree. Young people feel culturally estranged from older family members and bond with other kids in similar circumstances. The situation is completely predictable as an environment for gang formation.
Los Angeles is Ground Zero for gangs in the country. The County is home to as many as 1,200 gangs with 80,000 members. The cost could be $2 billion annually for all of their destructive criminal activity. [Who'll stop the gangs?, LA Times, February 27, 2008]
In the city of Los Angeles, a 2005 estimate put Hispanic gang membership as the most numerous at over 23,000, while black gangs amounted to fewer than 16,000.
Apart from strictly gang crime, a report from The Economist detailed how blacks suffer disproportionately in hate crimes in LA. In over 400 such crimes in 2006, blacks in the County were victims 59 percent of the time, while they comprise just nine percent of the population. In 70 percent of the time, the perps were Hispanic. [When black and brown collide, August 2, 2007]
Because of the brutal gang crimes that shock and worry the public, the city government occasionally presents a public relations event or expensive new social program to create the appearance that something is being done. The recent gang conference, which set up a program to exchange a handful of police officers with El Salvador, was one of the former. Sheriff Baca used the occasion to sound concerned.
"Over the last decade, in Los Angeles County, we've lost more than 5,800 people to gang violence in comparison to less than 500 people to natural disasters," [Sheriff] Lee Baca said at the second annual International Chiefs of Police Summit on Transnational Gangs which opened here earlier in the day. [Official: Los Angeles haunted by gang violence, China View, March 4, 2008]
Funny thing—none of the assembled expert police officers suggested that the notoriously criminal-friendly Special Order 40 might be rescinded to fight gang violence more effectively.
LA's own sanctuary law prohibits police from asking about immigration status and removes what would be a very useful tool for officers. In her 2005 Congressional testimony, scholar Heather Mac Donald noted specific instances where Special Order 40 protected criminals and allowed them to commit more crimes.
It doesn't help people outside the area understand what's going on when the local newspaper of record is at times downright secretive in revealing the cultural identity of the perps. (Los Angeles residents don't need a diagram about who does the crimes.) Gleaning the demographic facts about crime from the LA Times can require the considerable detective skills.
For example, a report about the Feb 22 shootout had only one little hint about who the Avenues gang might be.
The Avenues gang has cast a long shadow in these poor, largely Latino sections north of downtown L.A. [Gang mayhem cripples large area]
Even the profoundly corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center states forthrightly that the Avenues gangsters are a bunch of Mexicans.
Although the Avenues gang goes back a half century, it only fell heavily under the control of the Mexican Mafia in the 1980s, eventually becoming fundamentally racist as a result. (Police point out that, ironically, the Avenues now sling dope for the Mexican Mafia, which the gang's leaders in decades past looked down upon as a "black thing.") [L.A. Blackout, SPLC Intelligence Report, Winter 2006]
On the other hand, the LA Times now has an online blog, the Homicide Report, which provides crime notices that clearly state ethnic identities. It is sobering reading.
The violence that makes headlines gets all the attention. But the fear imposed by crime can be pervasive and deadening to the spirit. Consider the loss of freedom required to protect children when gangs rule the neighborhood:
Marie Keith, who is black, moved from South Los Angeles with her three daughters in 2000, believing she'd come to Torrance. One day black children playing on the street began screaming that "the 204s were coming."
Keith watched as gang members drove through, shooting. Black youths dived behind walls.
Since then, Keith's children have not been allowed to play in front of their apartment. When she has to travel more than half a block, she drives. [How a community imploded, LA Times, March 4, 2007, by Sam Quinones]
No American should have to live in such conditions. No citizen child should have to stay indoors to be safe from rampaging foreigners. Living with a reasonable expectation of protection against crime is part of inhabiting a first-world country. We spend a lot of money on police and prisons.
Hispanic gangsters are reconquistas with baggy pants and tattoos. They are ethnically cleansing black citizens out of parts of LA now, but indications are more of the same for the rest of us—first through the Southwest, next in America as a whole. Crime works well as a technique of the low-intensity warfare that is part and parcel of immigration as invasion.
Sounds apocalyptic? The social pathology in Los Angeles proves that we have exceeded the level of immigration we can accommodate.
When Hispanic gang members routinely drive around looking for random black people to kill, then America has far too many immigrants.
Brenda Walker (email her) lives in Northern California and publishes two websites, LimitsToGrowth.org and ImmigrationsHumanCost.org. She admires the poetry of Jesse Jackson, and in that spirit, suggests that immigration should be ended, not mended.