National Action is a vile racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic group which glorifies violence and stirs up hatred while promoting their poisonous ideology and I will not allow them to masquerade under different names.
By extending the proscription of National Action, we are halting the spread of a poisonous ideology and stopping its membership from growing - protecting those who could be at risk of radicalisation.
[BREAKING NEWS: Government BANS far-right groups Scottish Dawn and NS131 under terrorism laws as they are revealed to be aliases of neo-Nazi group National Action, Daily Mail, September 17, 2017]
But this is just the headline news. The authorities do not like to be seen in acts of what everyone recognizes as persecution of opinion. They really do want to be seen as the rulers of a textbook liberal democracy. And so their main attack is more subtle. Organizations need to be shut down and people sent now and again to prison. But Britain’s emerging police state prefers to operate through administrative measures in secret—hence my iceberg analogy.
For example, if you belong to any profession in the U.K., there are rules to prevent you from speaking your mind on certain issues. The rules are most obvious where teaching is concerned. For example,
One smudge on a DBS certificate, and you can kiss goodbye to a teaching career, or to any other job that involves contact with “vulnerable” people.
Then there is the Government’s Prevent strategy, which applies to the whole state machinery. Its purpose is to identify and root out anyone defined as a “political extremist.” Anyone identified as such is effectively banned from working with children and young people, and probably in the state sector as a whole.
Of course, this was allegedly aimed at Muslim terrorists, but it is in fact used (and was probably always intended to be used) against British nationalists. In one notorious case, foster children were removed from a home in Rotherham (yes, that Rotherham) because the foster parents were members of UKIP, the impeccably middle-class anti-European Union party. [EXCLUSIVE: Parents who had children removed over UKIP links to get new family, By Caroline Wheeler, Express, August 31, 2014]
To put this “extremism” in perspective, remember that Brexit actually won when the British finally got to vote on the European Union in the 2016 referendum
Another feature of the Prevent strategy: anyone working with children and young people must himself become a spy. Any student who speaks or behaves out of turn must be reported. He then goes on a register, and faces trouble in his career. Again, support for UKIP can get you reported.
Typically, in 2015, the Safeguarding Children Board of the London Borough of Camden published Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Radicalisation and Extremism: Advice for Parents and Carers. Its aim was to “help parents and carers recognise when their children may be at risk from radicalisation.”
How to spot “radicalisation”? The signs include “showing a mistrust of mainstream media reports and belief in conspiracy theories”, “appearing angry about government policies, especially foreign policy”, and “secretive behaviour and switching screens when you come near.”
Needless to say, most readers would fall into this category
In fact, in the matter of laws against looking at websites, the Home Secretary recently suggested that anyone found to be “repeatedly” viewing “extremist” content should be sent to prison for up to fifteen years. [Tightening of law around viewing terrorist material is response to increasing frequency of UK attacks, by Alan Travis, Guardian, Oct 2, 2017]
This was denounced as a ridiculous proposal. And any law to this effect might possibly be struck down as an infringement of civil liberties—if it got into the higher courts and if litigants had the money and time to defend themselves.
But the suggestion’s real purpose, again, was probably to scare people from looking at dissident literature. In Britain, all Internet traffic is monitored and logged. The suggestion was another reminder of the awful powers that can be used out of sight to break a career.
If you work in any capacity, for any organization, with children or young people, or in any job in the state sector—or if you have children and are worried they might be taken away from you by the social workers—you just have to be careful what you say.
The law says you are at perfect liberty to look at any political website that takes your fancy. We have human rights laws that do not normally let the Police kick your door in. You can join any organization that has not been banned. You can worship as you please. You are a free citizen in a free country. There are laws that say this, and often judges to agree, should any case get into the higher courts.
But you keep your mouth shut if you have untoward opinions. You might say something in front of an informer.
Best of all not to have any untoward opinions. Safety lies in not challenging the established order. Advancement lies in supporting it.
In the U.S. this used to be denounced as a “chilling effect”—at least until your Political Class decided to repress the Alt Right.
The relative paucity of legal action taken against “extremists”—there are about half a dozen a year— is evidence not of the strategy’s failure but of its success. That convictions in the lower courts are sometimes struck down on appeal is also no sign of failure. The Main Stream Media’s coverage simply confirm to everyone else the dangers of speaking out.
Nearly all the work of censorship is out of sight, in a mass of administrative measures that are grinding the British into political sheep. And this is the real British police state.
Fortunately, you Americans have your First Amendment.
And guns.
Alan Bickley [Email him] writes from the UK.