SAID IN SPANISH [2 Items]: Mexican Foreign Minister Ebrard Opens Reconquista Base In OK—Meddles In FL Politics. Is GOP/GAP Asleep?
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Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, yet another of those white Mexicans, who might be Mexico’s next president, just visited Oklahoma and Florida, both of which have Republican governors. It was bad enough that he attended the opening of a consulate aka Reconquista Staging Area in Oklahoma City. But in Florida, he openly campaigned against the state’s new immigration laws that require, among other things, employers to use E-Verify. Strangely, the GOP/GAP does not seem to have noticed this open meddling in U.S. affairs. Is it asleep?

The Consulate In Oklahoma City

As I have written repeatedly through the years, Mexican consulates are centers of Mexican meddling. They defend illegal aliens, promote dual citizenship and claim sovereignty over American citizens of Mexican ancestry. Mexico has planted 52 two of these subversion centers on American soil, the largest consular network in the world.

Thankfully, my home state of Oklahoma didn’t have one, at least until recently.

And that wasn’t a hardship for Mexicans residing in the Sooner State. Five neighboring states have consulates. From Oklahoma City, it’s just about five hours to Little Rock and Kansas City and three hours to Dallas. Mexicans tend to drive fast, so the drive times are less than they would be for Americans! (And I’m only half-joking about that.)

The point is, Oklahoma didn’t need a consulate. But Republican Governor Kevin Stitt and Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt didn’t agree, so they campaigned for a consulate in Mexico City. In 2021, Stitt even traveled to Mexico, Made-In-China sombrero in hand, to lobby for one. And Stitt and Holt got what they wanted: an outpost of Mexican meddling in the capital city.

Congratulations. Good job, Treason Lobbyists!

Stitt, Holt, and a high-powered Mexican delegation merrily dedicated the facility on May 20 [Gov. Stitt celebrates launch of Mexican Consulate in Oklahoma City, by Kevin Severin, Fox 25, May 20, 2023].

“It was such an honor to attend the grand opening of Oklahoma’s Mexican consulate,” Stitt tweeted.

Whatever Stitt means by our “our Hispanic community,” whether Mexican-born immigrants to Oklahoma or Oklahoma-born children of Mexican immigrants, Holt was so proud that he sang hosannas in a long Twitter thread:

It was “a truly historic day in Oklahoma City history!” he enthused in Tweet No. 1. “This morning, hundreds turned out for the grand opening of our Mexican consulate, located in west downtown OKC.”

But that wasn’t enough. Along came six more!

A few observations about this over-the-top boosterism: If a Mexican is born in Oklahoma City, he is a citizen of this country, not Mexico. Misguided as Birthright Citizenship is, it does mean such a person has no need of a Mexican consulate.

Second, we get it, Mr. Mayor. Oklahoma City isn’t a hick town! Foreign ambassadors visit us. We know it has “global potential.” It even has indoor plumbing and running water!

Meanwhile, Ebrard lit up Twitter, too:

We inaugurate the Mexican Consulate in Oklahoma to attend to 450,000 fellow Mexicans. Yes we could! Congratulations to our community!

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So Ebrard claimed jurisdiction over 450,000 residents of Oklahoma, a significant number of whom were born there. That doesn’t matter to Ebrard, and his next tweet explained why:

I had the pleasure of presenting Dylan with his birth certificate and as of now he is bi-national,” he wrote. “He didn’t want to give me his bottle.”

Little Dylan was born in Oklahoma and is thus considered a U.S. citizen under current policy, but the Mexican foreign minister himself presented the little guy with a Mexican birth certificate.

A tweet from the foreign ministry summed up the consulate’s purpose:

On the occasion of the inauguration of the Mexican Consulate in Oklahoma, Foreign Minister Ebrard held an encounter with leaders and representatives of the Mexican and Mexican-American community of Oklahoma, to dialogue about improvements to the attention and services provided to fellow Mexicans.

Here’s the upshot of it all:

  • Mexico claims jurisdiction of all children born to Mexican parents on U.S. soil and regards Americans of Mexican ancestry as Mexicans.
  • Stitt and Holt don’t care.
  • American citizenship is meaningless to Mexicans, and, apparently, to Stitt and Holt.
  • And all for the sake of giving Oklahoma City “global potential.”


Ebrard Stirs Up Things In Florida

With Oklahoma firmly in Mexico’s grasp, Ebrard headed to Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis has taken the strongest stand against illegal immigration of just about any governor. Florida is a model for what every Red State should do about illegal immigration.

DeSantis recently OK’d a wide-ranging law, SB 1718, now Chapter No. 2023-40 , effective July 1, designed to deal with illegals. The Mexican government, needless to say, doesn’t like it, and so Ebrard showed up in the Sunshine State to meddle.

The measure requires employers to use E-Verify and penalizes those who transport illegals into Florida.

On May 21, Ebrard met with 1,200 Mexican H2A agricultural workers in Wimauma, Florida. He also attended a Tampa Bay Rays game [Marcelo Ebrard, special guest of Randy Arozarena in the Major Leagues, by Fernando Dávila, Excelsior, May 21, 2023].

Here’s how the Mexican Foreign Ministry reported the pow-wow:

Foreign Minister Ebrard announced today the upcoming meeting in Miami with community leaders and Mexican authorities to design a strategy of action in the face of anti-immigrant and racist proposals and laws. …

[He] told [the H2A workers] that the government of Mexico will promote opportunities of labor mobility and reiterated that our government will defend the Mexican migrants from racist laws and policies. …

[S]ecretary Ebrard stated that on June 30 [day before the law takes effect], in Miami, there will be a meeting of leaders and Mexican authorities in the United States, with two fundamental objectives.

The first will be to determine our participation and orientation “in how to defend our brothers and sisters in all the United States, especially in Florida, because in Florida a law that is clearly against our community and that can cause many abuses is about to take effect.”

The meeting will be attended by leaders of various groups of migrants of all the United States and will also serve to evaluate and determine the next steps to follow in the Plan of Action for Mexican Communities Resident Abroad.

[El canciller Marcelo Ebrard anuncia próximo encuentro en Miami para la defensa ante leyes anti-inmigrantes y racistas (“Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard Announces Future Meeting in Miami for the Defense Against Anti-Immigrant and Racist Laws”),, May 21, 2023]

Ebrard took a triumphant group picture with the assembled multitude and tweeted this:

They invited me to a meeting of Mexican communities for June 30. Topics: Progress in the 2021-2024 Plan and the protection of our community against racist laws such as those approved in Florida. You are not alone.

Let that sink in: Mexico’s foreign minister met with fellow-Mexican “community leaders” in Florida to denounce a democratically passed law signed by the democratically elected governor.

And no one notices. We hear nothing from elected leaders in Red States in general, and from DeSantis and Florida’s legislators in particular.

For years, I’ve warned about Mexican meddling in U.S. affairs. But this is one of the most extreme examples I’ve observed.

Yet it’s as if it didn’t happen. We don’t expect the Treason Lobby, the Democrat Party, or their communist Main Stream Media Ministry of Truth to care. Indeed, we expect them to encourage it because it helps the Great Replacement.

But GOP elected officials? They must denounce this meddling, this open foreign subversion, in no uncertain terms.

Then again, maybe their silence helps explains why Traitor Joe Biden and the Treason Lobby’s plan for the Great Replacement is moving forward with remarkable speed.


American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008 after many years residing in Mexico. Allan‘s wife is from Mexico and is now a U.S. citizen, their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His VDARE.COM articles are archived here; his Border Hawk blog archive is here, his website is here.

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