SAID IN SPANISH (4 ITEMS): Mexico’s Cities The Most Murderous—And Next To US!;  Murder In Leon Channels Popular Song; AMLO Falls For An Internet Hoax; Etc.
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One Third Of The Most Murderous Cities Are In Mexico

A Mexican Non-Governmental Organization, the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, recently released its annual list of the world’s 50 most murderous cities. Congrats to Mexico for being something of an overachiever in contributing 17 of the 50, along with nine of the top 10, and 11 of the top 14. 

Looking at cities of more than 300,000 residents and excluding war zones, the NGO reported that Colima, Mexico, capital of a state of the same name on Mexico’s Pacific coast, is the most murderous city on the plant [Metodología del ranking (2022) de las 50 ciudades más violentas del mundo (“Methodology of the 2022 Ranking of the 50 Most Violent Cities in the World”), CCSPJP, February 20, 2023]. 

Colima’s population is 330,329. With 601 murders, its rate is a whopping  181.94 per 100,000 residents.

Mexico also boasts the top seven cities on the list. Here are the Mexican cities in the list:

1. Colima
2. Zamora
3. Ciudad Obregon
4. Zacatecas
5. Tijuana
6. Celaya
7. Uruapan
9. Juarez
10. Acapulco
13. Irapuato
14. Cuernavaca
29. Cancun
30. Chihuahua
33. Morelia 
38. Leon
44. Ensenada
50. San Luis Potosi.

Note that two of those cities are just across our southwest border: Tijuana lies just south of San Diego, and Juarez is just across the Rio Grande from El Paso. Two others are tourist destinations: Cancun and Acapulco.

But major American cities don’t come across well, either. The United States had seven of the world’s most murderous cities.

No. 1 was New Orleans, which at No. 8 on the list fell in with the other nine Mexican cities. Its murder rate is 70.56 per 100,000, a higher murder rate than any city in Mexico with the exception of the top 7.

Our most murderous cities:

8. New Orleans
17. Baltimore
23. Detroit
25. Memphis
27. Cleveland
39. Milwaukee
46. Philadelphia

The top four are majority black, while the bottom three are plurality black, so the rankings are obviously the result of systemic racism.

No. 41 is San Juan, Puerto Rico, an American territory which some want to make a state.

Just after Mexico’s 17, Brazil contributed 10 cities to the list. Jamaica, Haiti and Ecuador had one apiece, and Honduras had two.

Colombia had six cities. “These are the most violent cities of the world,” Colombian president Gustavo Petro tweeted. “Colombia has advanced much in the reduction of homicide but more can still be done.”

One wonders how many of these murderers have crossed the southwest border illegally thanks to Traitor Joe Biden. It wouldn’t be that hard.

Note too that, with the exception of two cities in Honduras, no cities in Central America on the list.

This list, once again, is of the world's fifty most murderous cities of 2022.  There's another list that reports national murder rates of countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.  I wrote about that here.   

According to that list, in 2022 Mexico had a murder rate of 25.2 per 100,000. 

El Salvador had a drastic reduction in the murder rate, thanks to President Nayib Bukele’s recent remarkable crackdown.


Murder In Leon Suggests That Life Imitates Art

A brutal murder in Leon in Guanajuato, No. 38 on the most murderous city list,  inspired a writer for Excelsior to notice that  sometimes life imitates art, and this time not in a good way.

In this case, the art was a song, Camino de Guanajuato que pasas por tanto pueblo (“Way of Guanajuato, you pass through so many towns”), by singer-songwriter Jose Alfredo Jimenez (1926-1973), a Guanajuato native. A telling line, apropos of the murder, is la vida no vale nada—“life is not worth anything,” words that appear in Excelsior’s headline.

“A taxi driver murdered a passenger for not paying his entire fare. Since he lacked 5 pesos, the driver stabbed him,” the newspaper’s Andres Guardiola reported:

A taco vendor by the name of Arthur, 31 years of age, got into a taxi to return home after a day of work. The taxi driver… said that he would be charged 90 pesos, and set off driving toward the worker’s home.

Upon arrival, Arthur took 500 pesos from his billfold. But the taxi driver did not have change, was annoyed and demanded exactly 90 pesos. The taco vendor counted out 85 pesos and requested the forgiveness of the rest of the money [5 pesos] but the taxi driver lost control and began to insult him.

Both men began with words and wound up with blows, after which the taxi driver brandished a knife. …

[N]eighbors went out to the street and tried to stop the fight, promising the taxi driver 5 pesos and even more.  But the taxi driver stabbed the taco vendor and killed him, leaving his body in the yard in front of his own house and at the feet of his wife.

[Lo matan por 5 pesos en León, Guanajuato, donde la vida no vale nada (“Killed for 5 Pesos in León, Guanajuato, Where Life Is Not Worth Anything”) February 9, 2023].

Again, note the headline. It uses the words from Jimenez’s song.

As I wrote at MexConnect seven years ago: 

José Alfredo’s song evokes sadness and weariness of life, a life that begins and ends in weeping. … The singer repeatedly sings that “la vida no vale nada”— “life is not worth anything” [Camino de Guanajuato, January 3, 2016].

But the second stanza declares that “life is not worth anything” in León.

At 5 pesos for a life, that’s just about right.


Maya Train Won’t Bring Jobs For Mayans

The Mexican government is constructing the Maya Train in southeastern Mexico, mostly in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is part of the traditional home of the Mayan Indians. Construction commenced in 2020 and it’s scheduled to be finished in 2024. The train will start in Palenque, Chiapas, passing through Tabasco and into the state of Campeche. Once there, it splits into two rails that end in Cancun. Total mileage: 948 miles.

But those details aren’t the most interesting part of the story for readers. More interesting are two aspects of the story.

First, of course, is this: For years, non-Mexican illegal aliens have used trains to get through Mexico to the United States. That movement increased with the Biden Border Rush. Now they’ll have another train to help get here. 

Second, Mayans who want or need jobs face the same obstacle as Americans who need or want similar jobs: imported cheap labor. The railway’s construction jobs will go, mostly, to “migrants,” leftist code for illegal aliens, in this case from Central America, not the majority Mayan population of the peninsula.

Despite the fact that the [Mexican] federal government has mentioned that the Maya Train will create jobs for the population of the southeast part of the country, this will not occur because since this type of project is proven to encourage the flow of migrant workers in search of opportunities, according to railway expert Francisco Javier Gorostiza.

“In the future there will be more jobs with this project, but not necessarily well-paid and especially not in benefit of the indigenous population. Many times this type of project encourages the movement of migrants to obtain jobs,” [he said].

[Tren Maya dará empleo para migrantes, en su mayoría (“Maya Train Will Mostly Give Employment to Migrants”), by Roberto Valadez, Milenio, February 20, 2023]

Maybe “migrants” do the jobs Mayans won’t do!


AMLO Hoaxed By Mexican Witch Photo

Speaking of the Maya Train, on February 25, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador tweeted this:

I share with you two photos of our supervision of the Maya Train: one taken by an engineer 3 days ago which resembles an alux, the other by Diego Prieto of a splendid Pre-Hispanic sculpture in Ek Balam. Everything is mystical.

It turns out that AMLO was the victim of one of the many internet hoaxes that supposedly depict eerie or otherworldly phenomena.

The first photo looks like a strange being in a tree at night. The second is, according to AMLO, a sculpture of an alux, a leprechaun-like figure in Mayan folklore, though there's another theory about it.

A note appended to AMLO’s twitter thread explained that the first photo is a recurring hoax. It first appeared in 2021, far from the Maya Train in northern Mexico, where it was called a witch [Supuesta Bruja es Captada En General Terán Nuevo Léon Y Causa Revuelo En Redes Sociales, by Sandra Audelo (“Alleged Witch Is Captured In General Terán, Nueva Léon And Causes Stir On Social Networks,”) Debate, February 10, 2021].

Or, according to another report, it was photographed in Manchester, England

More recently, it made the rounds as far away as Southeast Asia, possibly as some local mysterious phenomenon.

Be careful about unsourced material.

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American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008 after many years residing in Mexico. Allan‘s wife is from Mexico and is now a U.S. citizen, their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His VDARE.COM articles are archived here; his Border Hawk blog archive is here, his website is here.

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