Ann Coulter’s column This Thanksgiving, Joy-Ann Reid Has Much To Be Thankful For isn’t really about Thanksgiving, it’s about ingratitude. Ms. Reid is the daughter of African and Guyanese immigrants, born and raised in the United States, but ungrateful to it, and is always going on about the American slaves from whom she is not descended. covered this in an earlier article by me: The Thanksgiving Of A Grateful Nation—And The Ingratitude Of A Few.
Those ungrateful people were mostly Indians, not happy about living in a white society—rather than, I suppose, the brutal savagery that prevailed before 1492.
Speaking of 1492, the Women’s March, which contains, as far as I know, very few American Indian women (it’s a Coalition Of The Fringes of Leftist blacks, Palestinians, and Jews, arguing with each other, with regular American women, if any, disinclined to argue for themselves as usual), felt obliged to issue this Tweet:
Yes, 1492, the year Columbus—and white people generally—first landed in the Americas, is now somehow a Hate Symbol, according to Leftists who seem as superstitious in a way as the natives were before Columbus (Who DID NOTHING WRONG).
Covid restrictions, supply chain problems, and inflation will make this Thanksgiving somewhat tricky for even normal American families this year.
As usual, the Woke are trying to destroy family life at Thanksgiving by such suggestions as a Thanksgiving Covid Bouncer, a family member ready to block relatives who can’t show recent tests: The Thanksgiving bouncers, by Margaret Talev, Tina Reed, Axios, November 23, 2021
Molly Jong-Fast in the Atlantic wants to take the usual Woke Thanksgiving argument up another notch, with plans to “deprogram” relatives, and if they won’t be deprogrammed, turn them in to the FBI: Deprogram your relatives this Thanksgiving, By Molly Jong-Fast, Atlantic, November 24, 2021.
She’s serious. This, of course, is furthering the Sovietization of America. Jong-Fast is the granddaughter of notorious American Communist Howard Fast.
However, one thing to remember about these famous Thanksgiving battles between Woke youth and normal American elders is that they’re only happening in white households.
In black and Hispanic household, young and old agree on left-wing politics. I covered this in 2015 in The Cold Civil War On Thanksgiving—Thanksgiving Table Arguments About "Racism" Are Only Happening In White Families.
If you have a nephew or niece who wants to do creepy “land acknowledgements” at the family dinner table, you should probably shush them or send them their room. But if you like, you can crush them with the following arguments:
- The land wasn’t “rightfully” owned by the Indians, ownership of land being a civilized invention; they were only wandering around on the top of it.
- There were no “Indians” before the discovery of America by Europeans—there were indigenous tribes who hated each other, and warred constantly in Hobbesian fashion.
- There was also no America, as we know it today—the land was there, but the country is a creation of the Historic American Nation.
- The Wampanoag Indians who allied with the Pilgrims against the Iroquois—happy to have allies with firearms—had 50 years of peace. But Indians in general were, as Thomas Jefferson was to write 155 years later, when the British were encouraging the Indians to make war on the American patriots, “merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
- The Indians (not the Wampanoag) tried to destroy America at its birth, and tried, by massacring women and children, to prevent the settlement of the American West.
- The fact that they failed, and America exists—still!—is what we Give Thanks for.
And whether you’re having a peaceful or contentious dinner with the family, wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from!
Previous Thanksgiving Columns (and see our War On Thanksgiving tag)
- 11/28/2020—Robert Reich Tweets On Thanksgiving Day: "No Human Being Is Illegal On Stolen Land"
- 11/26/2020—MEMO FROM MIDDLE AMERICA: No, The Spanish Did Not Invent Thanksgiving. The English Did.
- 11/25/2020—, Unlike The NEW YORK TIMES, Wishes Happy Thanksgiving To All Our Readers!
- 11/25/2020—Ann Coulter: Have a Historically Accurate Thanksgiving!
- 01/29/2020—We Are All Puritans Now! 2020 Election Will Be Debate On Mayflower Anniversary/America’s Founding. Trump Will Win
- 11/28/2019—2019 War on Thanksgiving Report: Leftist Lauding Tradition-Slayer David J. Silverman, Coming For Your Turkey...And Your Country
- 11/27/19—Amanda Marcotte Denies The War On Thanksgiving On, Which Hates Thanksgiving Worse Than Christmas
- 11/27/19—Ann Coulter On The War On Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving For Dummies ... Sorry, I Mean College Professors!
- 11/22/18—Paul Streitz Writes That Thanksgiving Had Its Origins In England With The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada
- 11/22/18—Of Course Thanksgiving Is Racist! It Was Invented By White People. But Have A Happy Anyway
- 11/20/18—Reminder: The "Thanksgiving Argument" Thing Only Happens In White Homes—Minorities Agree On Politics
- 11/23/17— Wishes Readers A Happy (And Based) Thanksgiving!
- 11/23/16—Happy Thanksgiving From–This Year We Have Something To Be Thankful For!
- 11/26/15—The Cold Civil War On Thanksgiving–Thanksgiving Table Arguments About “Racism” Are Only Happening In White Families
- 11/25/14—Thanksgiving And Your Father’s America
- 11/28/13—Thanksgiving Is Racist Because America Is Racist. But Says: Have A Happy Thanksgiving Anyway!
- 11/23/12—Thanksgiving Is An American Holiday—It Is Not Immigration Day!
- 11/23/11—The Fulford File | A Happy Thanksgiving To All VDARE.COM Readers! “Thank God There’s No More Of Us.”
- 11/23/11—Thanksgiving Thought: The National Question And The Demographic Diamond
- 11/23/10—Will There Still Be An America To Give Thanks For In 2110?
- 11/25/09—The Fulford File: A Happy Thanksgiving To All VDARE.COM Readers!
- 11/20/09—View From Lodi, CA Pittsburgh, PA: On Thanksgiving, Will Americans Have Enough Food To Be Thankful For?
- 11/26/08—The Fulford File, By James Fulford The War Against Thanksgiving
- 11/21/07—The Fulford File: The Thanksgiving Of A Grateful Nation—And The Ingratitude Of A Few
- 11/22/06—The Fulford File Happy Thanksgiving From! (While It Lasts)
- 11/23/05—VDARE.COM Wishes Everybody A Happy Thanksgiving
- 11/25/04—The Fulford File: Thanksgiving Roundup
- 11/24/04—The High Road to Turkey: An Indian View of Thanksgiving
- 11/23/04—Grace, Gratitude, and God At Thanksgiving
- 11/19/04—View From Lodi, CA: Mincemeat For Thanksgiving!
- 12/08/03—War On Holidays Is War on America
- 11/26/03—Then They Came For Thanksgiving…
- 11/21/03—View From Lodi, CA: Hot Chocolate For Thanksgiving
- 09/25/03—Pressure On The Pot [Blast from Past! A 1989 Peter Brimelow column from the London Times.]
- 11/27/02—Thanksgiving, Crazy Horse, Us
- 11/21/01—Thanksgiving: The National Question Footnote
- 02/08/01—TODAY'S LETTER: A Reader Comments on Multi-Cultist Holidays