A Martyr for the Historic American Nation—Ashli Babbitt
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Earlier (2018) by Gregory Hood: FBI Arrests White "Serial Rioters"—And Ignores Antifa

Crossposted from Amren.com.

Anyone can see the footage. Ashli Babbitt was a young woman at Wednesday’s protests. She had no weapon, not even a stick. There were armed police in front of her and behind her. She posed no danger to anyone. Still, a police officer, apparently black, shot and killed her.

I never thought I’d say this, but Shaun King is right.

Screenshot 2021-09-15 at 23-05-07 Thread by shaunking, I am going to say something wildly unpopular in my circles Ive [ ]

 Update, September 15, 2021: This Tweet has been deleted, but may be viewed here, along with the rest of the thread.

Joe Biden, allegedly quoting his granddaughter, said of Wednesday’s protests:

No one can tell me if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol. We all know that’s true. And it is unacceptable. Totally unacceptable.

That’s true. And it is totally unacceptable.

If BLM took over the Capitol, once the mob went home, congressmen would kneel in submission. Journalists would praise the takeover. Corporations would give billions.

It’s already happened. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, festooned in kente cloth, knelt for George Floyd. The Capitol Police knelt too. Washington D.C. symbolically renamed 16th Street Black Lives Matter Plaza. New York City painted a huge Black Lives Matter sign on the street just outside Trump Tower.

And we’re supposed to think BLM got harsh treatment? In what must have been millions of man-hours of rioting, how many people did police kill? Not one. Did they shoot outright looters or arsonists? Only with rubber bullets, and only a handful. So far as I can tell, police did not even open fire and wound a single BLMer — not one — even in the 300 cities with such bad rioting there had to be curfews.

The very phrase “Black Lives Matter” has almost religious importance. The NYPD, unable or unwilling to stop the crime wave, cracked down on people who desecrated the phrase.  Saying “All Lives Matter” can get you suspended, fired, maybe even killed.

In Minneapolis, the mob burned down an entire precinct station. In Seattle, anarchists set up an “autonomous zone” that police broke up only after paramilitaries shot two black teenagers. Rioters destroyed an incalculable amount of property. That wasn’t just “stuff.” Behind countless looted stores were small business owners and their employees. If the lockdowns didn’t put them on the breadline, BLM did.

Homicides are rising in Chicago, Los Angeles, Jackson, Philadelphia, and many other major cities. There are several reasons why, but one is undoubtedly the “Ferguson Effect” on a mass scale. Police don’t think doing their jobs is worth the risk. Policing blacks is dangerous. They hate cops. It’s better to lie low and wait till you get a pension or just quit.

From what I can tell, journalists and the black “community” don’t care about crime and disorder, even though blacks suffer from it the most. Journalists, activists, and politicians have defended violent protests and property destruction. The media cheered while mobs tore down monuments to our greatest heroes, including, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson. Not even the dead can rest in peace — not white men, anyway. Hapless conservatives think it’s about the “Confederacy.” When even Lincoln is no longer safe, it’s clearly about race.

So spare me the outrage from Tom Daschle, Dick Durbin, Andy Kim, Joe Scarborough, and others who lecture us about “sacrilege” and “desecration” because Americans trespassed in the Capitol. I’m far more offended at what’s been done to the memory of Washington.

Police are offering up to $1,000 if you help them catch anyone who “desecrated” the Capital. Were there any rewards offered for turning in BLM arsonists? Or for the people who laid siege night after night to the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, setting fires, trying to blind officers with green lasers, and trying to kill them with commercial-grade fireworks? These are serious felonies. The people who “desecrated” the Capitol were trespassers.

One rabbi tells us “we lost something sacred” when the Capitol was “defiled,” comparing it to the fall of the Jewish Temple. After months spent watching our cowardly leaders do nothing while our cities, history, and heroes were ransacked, I think a better parallel may be Jesus Christ driving out the moneychangers. Where have all the respectable people been, now that they’re suddenly worried about national honor, civil debate, and the rule of law?

I can tell you where they’ve been.

In 2017, a “Bernie Bro” opened fire on Republican congressmen, badly wounding Steve Scalise. Jesse Benn and Tariq Nasheed, both Twitter bluechecks, had this to say:

It seems like a decade, but it was just two years ago that a mob occupied a Senate office building to protest Brett Kavanaugh. MSNBC called it “well-organized” and a “boost of energy to the opposition.” Organizers bragged they had preemptively shut down the Capitol. It wasn’t “desecration” then.

Pollster Matt McDermott called it an “incredible scene.” However, this week’s action was “domestic terrorism.”

Feminist author Mona Eltahawy:

When the George Floyd protests began, Chris Cuomo told his audience:

Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice. And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone.

That same month, the Democrats House caucus blocked a GOP resolution that “condemn[ed] violence and rioting” but also mourned the “tragic death of George Floyd.”

Trevor Noah, quoting Martin Luther King, Jr., said riots are the language of the unheard. He dismissed claims that involving children or “burning” is wrong. “There is no right way to protest because that’s what protest is,” he said. “It cannot be right because you are protesting against a thing that is stopping you.”

Bluecheck Sally Kohn then and now.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez last month:



Still, let’s look beyond media hypocrisy. We’re used to that. What about actual violence? Joe Biden said BLM protesters would have been handled differently. Really? Let’s consider the cults that have grown out of BLM: George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor. “Say his name!” is a theological command. However, in each case, facts demolish the myth.

  • George Floyd, a career criminal whose violence against women is far worse than anything Harvey Weinstein did, died while lying to police and resisting arrest. He overdosed.
  • Police came for Jacob Blake because of a domestic violence complaint (BLM trumps #MeToo). He ignored police commands and grabbed a knife. Police shot him, and prosecutors found no reason to charge them.
  • Breonna Taylor, arguably the most sensational case, turns out to have been deeply involved in her boyfriend’s drug operation. Her boyfriend opened fire before the police shot back.

Just imagine video footage of a white man shooting an unarmed black woman who was clearly no threat. It would be the biggest story in the country. It would be the biggest story in the world. Cities would erupt.

With Ashli Babbitt, we don’t need to imagine. We can watch.

An officer shot her as she tried to climb through a door. The video shows there were armed police on her side of the door. An officer in front of her had plenty of time to evaluate the situation, take aim, and kill her with a single shot.

Another Twitter bluecheck:

Why weren’t BLM’s far more destructive actions terrorism?

Should we remember Ashli Babbitt? Sorry, that’s colonialism. Besides, she was an “active threat.” A “white supremacist.” A “terrorist.”

Can't load tweet https://twitter.com/PScoopie/status/1347006592265420802?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1347006592265420802%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amren.com%2Fcommentary%2F2021%2F01%2Fher-name-was-ashli-babbitt%2F: Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status.

Can't load tweet https://twitter.com/Dperezg/status/1347173810575986689?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1347173810575986689%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amren.com%2Fcommentary%2F2021%2F01%2Fher-name-was-ashli-babbitt%2F: Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status.

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Exterminated? Well, it’s just one deleted tweet from a fringe account. Maybe we shouldn’t care.

The political director for ABC News, Rick Klein, tweeted that though President Trump will soon be gone, that’s the easy part. “Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else,” he said. Leftists like to complain abouteliminationist rhetoric.” Does this count, or is it just “fighting hate?”

Keep in mind, Joe Biden said the protesters were “domestic terrorists.” USA Today has called on readers to doxx everyone there.

Will Republicans try to understand what motivated the protesters or speak for Ashli Babbitt? Rep. Markwayne Mullin, a Republican from Oklahoma, said the officer “didn’t have a choice at the time.” Senator Lindsey Graham wants a “Joint Task Force” to identify every person “who breached the security of the Capitol.” Senator Ted Cruz called the demonstrators “terrorists.”

Here’s original cuckservative Erick Erickson:

Can you one imagine pundits and politicians talking like this about BLM? Vice President Mike Pence said this about George Floyd:

He has never mentioned Ashli Babbitt.

If our leaders think trespassing justifies lethal force, we would have no problem with illegal immigration.

Political power in America is media power. It’s the power to shape consciousness. Violence works when you have media power. It fails when you don’t. The protest Wednesday was an example of “hyperreality.” There was no attempted coup by President Trump, nor by people wandering around the Capitol. The media created a story about an “armed insurrection,” a putsch, and they seem to believe it.

Ashli Babbitt was also caught in a fantasy. The “QAnon” story told her President Trump was fighting a cosmic struggle against evil. She joined in that struggle. Unfortunately, as in The Matrix, if you die in the simulation, you die in real life. In his concession speech last night, President Trump didn’t mention her. He wouldn’t say her name.

If anything, QAnon is an opiate because it tells Americans the system still somehow works. It tells well-meaning, naïve people that their country still exists, the old values endure, the Founders’ vision lives on, and everything will turn out fine. That illusion died with Ashli Babbitt.

Our rulers apparently believe what they are saying. They think they’re fighting a dictator, that Ashli Babbitt and people like her deserve to die, and that there must be a cleansing before the egalitarian paradise arrives. We know what happens when fanatics stop at nothing in the name of equality.

People can try to live in a dream, but reality finally breaks in. For decades, President Donald Trump crafted his media image as a businessman, patriot, and strategist. He may believe himself to be a Great Man. Tens of millions of Americans who saw their country being stolen from them put their trust in him. He let them down — not because he is an aspiring dictator, but because he is erratic, self-absorbed, and doesn’t truly understand what is happening to the country.

Ahsli’s surname is the same as Sinclair Lewis’s title character in Babbitt, about a middle-class guy who seeks meaning in a conformist world. Babbitt rebels against middle-class values. Today, those values seem idyllic. Today, it is rebellion to uphold natural values of morality, family, and patriotism.

Perhaps Ashli Babbitt died for a false idol, a leader who didn’t deserve her loyalty. Perhaps I’m too hard on President Trump, who has been continuously betrayed and sabotaged. Either way, Ashli Babbitt’s sacrifice was not pointless. Whatever her mistakes, she was right to believe her country is ruled by a hostile elite. The form her rebellion took was wrong, but she died for her beliefs. Especially in a time when our rulers make saints out of thugs, we should remember Ashli Babbitt, who served a country that killed her.

President Trump can’t save you. It was a dream to think he ever could. It’s hard to cast off fantasy, but we have no choice. There’s just us.

However, you are not alone. You are part of something greater than yourself, something that goes back to the beginning of time. There’s no alternative but to accept your duty, face what’s coming, remember the fallen, and have faith in victory.

Ashli Babbitt, RIP. We won’t forget.

Mr. Hood [Email him] is a staff writer for American Renaissance. He has been active in conservative groups in the US. You can follow him on Gab and Telegram.

[Comment at Amren.com.]

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