Earlier today: 40 Attacks On Asian Women Solved With Arrest Of Only Three Black Men
The death of George Floyd, and the societal breakdown caused by black crime and riots, but facilitated by the usual white pro-crime Leftists, has led to an increase in all kinds of crime, especially murders. It's also led to a lot of black-on-Asian crime. Blacks have always hated Asians, and targeted them for hate crimes and property crimes, but the media has been pushing "attacks on Asians" because they think they can blame Donald Trump and whites. I did a post called 12 (!) Posts On Black-On-Asian Violence In February Alone and February wasn't even over yet.
This is exacerbated by the MSM's determination not to report the race of criminals even in stories of deliberated interracial attack. Steve Sailer's post above is based on a CBS San Francisco headline: UPDATE: 3 Charged In Hate Crime Spree Targeting Asian Women Across Bay Area, September 19, 2021.
The three black attackers are named and pictured, but the words black, Black, or African-American do not appear in this story. That's fairly typical of minority-on-minority hate crime attacks: only the victim's race is named.
Here's a list. It's not exhaustive, but tells you that this behavior (black crime and MSM obfuscation) is going on a lot.