TRUMP: We have a great politician here. We have a man here who really helped me, and he’s the one person I sought his counsel because he’s been spot on, he’s so highly respected. Has anybody ever heard of Senator Jeff Sessions?In fact, Senator Sessions did help Trump create his position paper on immigration. It is a reassuring sign of Trump’s seriousness about the subject that he consulted such an outstanding expert and leader. Trump’s website includes the paper: Trump Immigration Reform.(Crowd roars.)
Jeff, come up, where’s Jeff? Get over here, Jeff. Look at him, he’s like 20 years old. Unbelievable guy. Say hello.
SESSIONS: Donald, welcome to my hometown, Mobile, Alabama. The American people, these people, want somebody in the Presidency who stands up for them, defends their interest, and the laws and traditions of this country. We welcome you here. Thank you for the work that you’ve put into the immigration issue. I’m really impressed with your plan. I know it will make a difference. And this crowd shows a lot of people agree with that. Congratulations. Welcome, and God bless.
TRUMP: He was so great, such a help.