It Was Never Stolen Land, It Was Bought And Paid For. Now The Indians Are Trying To Renege
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On Twitter, Chris Rufo reports on the latest anti-white brainwashing, in San Diego, which tells participants that they're living on stolen native land.

The training begins with a "land acknowledgement," in which the teachers are asked to accept that they are colonizers living on stolen Native American land. Then they are told they will experience "guilt, anger, apathy, [and] closed-mindedness" because of their "white fragility."
Here's a screenshot of the material used:

If you're wondering who the Kumeyaay are, they're California Indians who used to be called Kamia or Diegueños, and live near the California-Mexican border, where they're fighting against the Wall. Physically fighting, by the way, in breach of whatever peace treaty exists [Trump’s Border Wall Construction Disrupted by Kumeyaay, O’odham Land Defenders, by Maia Wikler, Teen Vogue,  October 29, 2020].

I've been at public events where they do these "land acknowledgements," and it always annoyed me.

In a 2017 blog post on the idea of "stolen land," Walter Olson of quoted

"the leading 20th Century scholar of Indian law, Felix S. Cohen, architect of the “Indian New Deal” and one of the most progressive law professors and FDR appointees of his era:

Fortunately for the security of American real estate titles, the business of securing cessions of Indian titles has been, on the whole, conscientiously pursued by the Federal Government, as long as there has been a Federal Government. The notion that America was stolen from the Indians is one of the myths by which we Americans are prone to hide our real virtues and make our idealism look as hard-boiled as possible. We are probably the one great nation in the world that has consistently sought to deal with an aboriginal population on fair and equitable terms. We have not always succeeded in this effort but our deviations have not been typical.

It is, in fact, difficult to understand the decisions on Indian title or to appreciate their scope and their limitations if one views the history of American land settlement as a history of wholesale robbery." [Emphases added.]

The quotation is from The Legal Conscience: Selected Papers Of Felix S Cohen,1960.

That was all that Olson bothered to quote from in 2017, but I'll throw in some more:


Every American schoolboy is taught to believe that the lands of the United States were acquired by purchase or treaty from Britain, Spain, France, Mexico, and Russia, and that for all the continental lands so purchased we paid about 50 million dollars out of the Federal Treasury. Most of us believe this story as unquestioningly as we believe in electricity or corporations. We have seen little maps of the United States in our history books and big maps in our geography books showing the vast area that Napoleon sold us in 1803 for 15 million dollars and the various other cessions that make up the story of our national expansion. As for the original Indian owners of the continent, the common impression is that we took the land from them by force and proceeded to lock them up in concentration camps called "reservations."

Notwithstanding this prevailing mythology, the historic fact is that practically all of the real estate acquired by the United States since 1776 was purchased not from Napoleon or any other emperor or czar but from its original Indian owners.

Cohen wrote this up originally for Colliers in 1946, available via,  and see also Olson's 2012 Cato post ‘Do Indians Rightfully Own  America?’  ("The short answer to the question 'Do Indians Rightfully Own America' is, 'No, they don’t.'") and more here.

It was never stolen land, it was bought and paid for. (And built on!) What's happening is that Indians, since the Civil Rights Era, have been egged on by white-hating "anti-racists" to try and renege.

We had a name for that when I was younger. We called it being an "Indian Giver."

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