The Radio Derb transcript is up for March 25, 2022. Go here to read or listen.
02:37 Confirmation theater. (Mediocrities interview a mediocrity.)
08:46 Halls of uselessness, cont. (It wasn't supposed to be this way.)
17:05 The Don't Touch My Hair Act. (Vitally important!)
21:16 Call a deer a horse. (Call a man a woman.)
27:46 Demography notes. (South Korea disappearing.)
32:50 Google's diversity paradox. (Crump's latest grievance lawsuit.)
34:52 Two beautiful English ladies. (Remembering our Mums.)
36:31 Taking the whiteness out of science ed. (Or is it a spoof?)
40:05 Doors or wheels? (Controversy rages.)
41:45 Signoff. (No place like home.)