Should Police Officers Obey Unconstitutional Orders, Including Those That Allow Lawbreaking? What About The Border Patrol?
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Two articles questioning whether police officers should go along with enforcing orders that many consider unjust, or even illegal:

We are in a propaganda war for the hearts and minds of law enforcement too.

Going along with that, poor little Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is upset that some peon Border Patrol Agents had the nerve, the audacity, to speak truth to power to both him himself, and to treacherous Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz [Secretary Mayorkas Says Some Border Patrol Agents Were Unprofessional During 'Tough' Border Trip, by Julio Rosas, February 18, 2022].

See my posts:

The nerve of those Agents. I'm sure that Mayorkas would prefer they shut up and turn their backs on their oath to support the Constitution and its laws, as the Biden administration has essentially ordered the Agents to not enforce the law.

I think there is a very good chance that the Agents who had the nerve to speak up are being punished by being assigned the least desired duties, processing, hospital duty, diaper duty, etc...

In reading about times past, the military and the police will support a failing administration all the way up until their paychecks falter. That's usually the tipping point at which mutinies happen. Psychologists tell us that whatever we do in life, we will eventually justify our actions to ourselves if for no other reason as a psychological coping mechanism. Those police officers and Agents who are going along with anti-law and order instructions will likely justify their actions to themselves. They may even embrace their new rules, despite those rules flying in the face of what the laws of Congress actually state.

Defying an administration and putting one's livelihood at stake takes courage. I believe it was Mark Twain who observed that if you want to find men who are physically brave, you can find them all day long. However, if you want to find men that are morally brave, then you will have to search and search.

Personally, I hope that police unions and the Border Patrol union will take a more active role in actually fighting unlawful orders given by treacherous leaders.

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