The NYT: "Let's Talk About Race" Me: “Yes, Let’s!”
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Today the New York Times sent out an email notifying subscribers of a new weekly email newsletter called “Race/Related,” which will be edited by a black woman named Lauretta Charlton. The email announcing the creation of this newsletter read, in part:

“Thoughtful stories about race can be difficult, but I believe they are more necessary than ever. They can also highlight our common humanity and teach us a lot about ourselves. The mission of Race/Related is to challenge our assumptions about race and identity. We aim to be honest and inclusive, because no matter who you are, we should all be engaged in meaningful dialogue about race.

Everyone is welcome.

So, sign up here to have Race/Related delivered to your inbox. And I’d love to hear from you! Please email us your thoughts on what you would want to see from a newsletter like Race/Related.

We’re at”

On Twitter, Ms. Charlton made sure to emphasize what motivates her desire to focus on race:

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The timing of this is quite interesting, as the NYT recently published an op-ed by Michelle Goldberg literally called “We Can Replace Them” that quoted me in such a manner as to imply that I am the “them” in that title. Since then I wrote a piece addressing the author of that op-ed and another mainstream media detractor. Neither of the two have mentioned or replied to my newer piece. I also wrote directly to the NYT asking if I could be put in touch with Ms. Goldberg, and got no reply.

It seems to me that if the NYT is going to write about me writing about race, and then explicitly seek more opinions about race and race relations, that I am a good candidate for their quest to get fresh opinions. This is made even more true by the fact that I attended the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and in fact, do not want to be replaced!

So, how about we all email and ask that Ms. Goldberg [Email her] address my aforementioned essay and/or that I be invited to write a reply to her in the NYT itself?

Here is the link to my reply to Ms. Goldberg:

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