This includes one from Tom Donohue [Email him] who Politico describes as the "mainstream Republican" head of the Chamber of Commerce, who wants to impeach Trump if he blocks cheap imports from China:
Donald Trump isn’t even the Republican nominee yet. But his incendiary rhetoric, most notably about killing the families of terrorists and bringing back torture, has critics on the right and the left discussing the most extreme of countermeasures at an unusually early point in the race.Then they get into literal fantasy, with what they consider impeachable offenses committed in a projected 2017:“Impeachment” is already on the lips of pundits, newspaper editorials, constitutional scholars, and even a few members of Congress. From the right, Washington attorney Bruce Fein puts the odds at 50/50 that a President Trump commits impeachable offenses as president. Liberal Florida Rep. Alan Grayson says Trump’s insistence on building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, if concrete was poured despite Congress’s opposition, could lead down a path toward impeachment. Even the mainstream Republican head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently tossed out the I-word when discussing the civilian backlash if Trump’s trade war with China led to higher prices on everyday items sold at WalMart and Target. On his radio show last month, Rush Limbaugh even put a very brisk timeline on it: “They’ll be talking impeachment on day two, after the first Trump executive order,” he said.
It’s notunusual for controversial presidents to be shadowed by talk of impeachment, once they’ve been in office long enough to make people mad. But before he’s elected? Before he’s a nominee?
Donald Trump Impeachment: How Quickly Could It Happen?
By Darren Samuelsohn, POLITICO Magazine, April 17, 2016
That said, travel on the Politico time machine to the summer of 2017: President Trump, survivor of a Republican civil war and Hillary Clinton’s Democratic machine, is making good on his promise to "Make America Great Again."He has ordered federal contractors to start building the wall between the United States and Mexico, though neither Mexico nor the U.S. Congress will pay for it. Trump has directed the National Guard to patrol Detroit, Chicago, New York and other neighborhoods with large Muslim populations, and accusations are swirling that he is illegally rounding up suspected Islamic extremists and shipping them off to special detention centers, including the recently reopened Alcatraz Island and to several of the World War II-era internment camps the U.S. government used for Japanese-Americans.
It's much more important for the Guard to start rounding up Mexican illegals. (They've got all their addresses, because they're getting government checks.)
Seriously, it's crazy to talk about impeachment before Trump is elected, and Trump's policies on deporting illegals are supported by majorities of the American people.
But it was not crazy to talk about impeachment for someone deliberately refusing to do his job, or committing "high crimes and misdemeanors", as the Constitution puts it.
We regularly talk about impeaching judges, and impeaching President Obama. As a result, we get attacked by people like "Rightwing Watch".
However, it seems that every so often, impeachment becomes okay to discuss, when someone interrupts the relentless leftward march of events. A while ago, they were talking about impeaching John Roberts if he voted against Obamacare. (He didn't. ) Editor Peter Brimelow wrote:
In the case of Obamacare, some of this public pressure has been particularly revealing. Thus even some of’s friends have worried that our interest in the impeachment of federal judges for wrong decisions, while technically correct, was so far out of the conventional wisdom as to discredit us. But guess what? As soon as Obamacare appeared to be in jeopardy, liberals rediscovered the impeachment power. Anticipating a possible defeat, the Daily Beast's David R. Dow proposed impeaching the Supreme Court, and Jonathan Turley proposed an FDR-like court-packing scheme in the Washington Post.See also Maine’s Paul LePage And SCOTUS: How Come Only Democrats Get To Propose Impeachment?Somebody has to propose new ideas and we nominate us. And now that our advocacy of impeachment has been vindicated, we look forward to many entertaining cases in which Congress uses impeachment to reassert democratic rule.
Instead of impeaching a not-yet-elected President Trump for things he hasn't done, why doesn't Congress impeach the President America has?
That would be an entertaining case.