A Reader Remembers The Biden-Kinnock Plagiarism
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Re: Ann Coulter's article Michelle Obama’s Speech Was Trite, Too—But Nobody Said Anything

From: An Outraged Woman Reader [Send her mail]

I can't for the life of me understand the fuss about alleged plagiarism on the part of Melania Trump, the wife of the Republican presidential candidate.

What about the plagiarism by our current Vice-President, Joe Biden, of Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock’s 1987 speech—an especially stupid one, since it included  biographical details that didn't  even apply to Biden? The ensuing scandal led to Biden's pulling out of the 1988 presidential race, but was only one instance among many of Biden's lies and plagiarisms going back to his years as a law student.  See

 The Write Stuff? | Why Biden's plagiarism shouldn't be forgotten. By David Greenberg, Slate.com, August 25, 2008

Also in Slate:  Jack Shafer called Biden "the unusually creepy kind" of plagiarist.

James Fulford writes: The fun part about the Biden plagiarism of Kinnock’s speech is, as our reader says,  that Biden  claimed to be descended, like  Kinnock,  from coal miners.  Kinnock’s dad was a genuine coal miner in Tredegar, Wales, but Biden’s was car salesman, and while there is coal under Pennsylvania as there is under Wales, no Biden in history has ever mined any.


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