More On The Lies That Guard The Immigration Court Amnesty And Open Borders
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The latest statistics are out for the Executive Office For Immigration Review (EOIR), the administrative immigration court. The June numbers confirm that the Treason Bar and open borders advocates are attempting to hide the Immigration Court Amnesty with a bodyguard of lies and misdirection. The vector for this information is the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a project of Syracuse University, which hosts a website that reproduces government statistics on the work of the EOIR. TRAC portrays itself as merely a conduit for information for Congress, the public, policy makers, and the Treason Bar, but there is an agenda behind the numbers. It does serve a valuable purpose given the opacity of government. But there are problems with TRAC.

The Treason Bar was the first to offer tears; backlogs, asylum delays, deportations, and few deportees had legal representation.

Not Enough Money Flowing to the Treason Bar

First, the terminology used by TRAC; illegal aliens are referred to as immigrants, but by using immigrant to refer to aliens in removal proceedings, TRAC is being deceptive and dishonest. The proper term to use for any person with a case before the EOIR is alien, for the EOIR only deals with aliens seeking either admission or with a defense against deportation. That obviously only applies to persons who are not citizens or nationals of the United States, i.e., aliens. Immigrant means an alien who seeking admission to the United States with the purpose of living here.

While most aliens before the EOIR have the intent of remaining in and living in the United States, those who are ordered removed and are then removed are no longer immigrants, but deportees, while those ordered removed but have not been removed are absconders. The only term that fits all classes of persons with cases before the EOIR is alien. There is no reason for TRAC not to use alien when it refers to aliens. Immigrant should only be used to refer to an alien who has appeared at a Port-of-Entry (POE) with an Immigrant Visa, has applied for adjustment of status in the United States, or who has been granted Lawful Permanent Residence (LPR), i.e., a green card holder.

Next we get the deceptive “Quick Facts,” factoids that are either designed to shock or to deceive. Take the factoid on aliens ordered deported.

Immigrants, Not Aliens, Ordered Deported

How sad, “immigrants” are ordered deported. A more accurate statement would be illegal aliens, also a term of law, were ordered deported. Note, a small number of those aliens were, at the time of their hearing, LPRs, but became illegal aliens when they lost their case. The overwhelming number, though, were illegal aliens arrested in the United States or at the border.

The next lie that TRAC uses is the vague statement “Legally Remain in U.S.” That is both a lie and deliberately misleading, as that group of aliens includes those not just those who won their cases before the EOIR, actually a small minority, but includes those who had their cases dropped by ICE SVU, by far the greatest number of aliens who are allowed to remain. Worse yet, that is not quite legal, as dereliction of duty by the government is not strictly legal, since legal implies that the ”aliens” were somehow the victims of some abuse or misconduct if they are allowed to remain. In fact the vast majority of those “remaining” in the U.S. are still illegal aliens without any legal status. So, claiming that they “legally remain” in the U.S. is a lie meant to deceive Congress and the public, the opposite of what TRAC claims as its purpose.

However, despite the deception, we do get the interesting fact that the ongoing Immigration Court Amnesty is confirmed: 239,203 aliens won amnesty before the EOIR in Fiscal Year 2024. (Tools<All Cases<Terminations, then on the three pull-down menus, All-Terminate Proceedings)

Immigration Court Amnesty

That is more than were ordered deported, 227,162. The result being is that the Biden Regime dropped charges against more illegal aliens than they deported.

Which brings us to more deception by the government. In the June border statistics, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) claims a near record low number of illegal aliens arrested at the border, 88,612, but that number is deceptive, as it does not include those aliens who arrived at a POE without a visa, but were paroled in, which CBP does not report. It also does not include those otherwise inadmissible aliens who won the CBP One Amnesty, which for June was 41,800, and the CHNV Parole Amnesty for those aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, totaling 32,699, but strangely does not include separate Family Reunification Parole for citizens of Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, and Honduras. Nor does it include Afghan or Ukrainian parole programs. And, of course, not including got-aways.

So, despite the claim of record low numbers of illegal alien arrests, not including those released, the number of actual illegal alien encounters should include the base number of arrests, 88,612; CBP One paroles, 41,800; and the CHNV parolees, 32,699—all of whom would have been illegal alien arrests at the border, for a total of 163,111 illegal aliens, which is nowhere near a record low number of illegal aliens. Remember, the various parole programs were designed to reduce pressure on the border! The result is that what would have been illegal aliens are instead paroled in.

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