From: Mitchell Day [Email him]
James Fulford’s post above, and the link to Joe Fallon’s So Much for Promises – Quotes Re 1965 Immigration Act, reminds me that a book called Invasion Alert: Rising Tides Of Aliens In Our Midst by Mary Barclay Erb was published in 1965.
A review of it, in The Mankind Quarterly, October 1966, p. 127, PDF, said, in part:
And a follow up by Erb called While America Sleeps was published the next year. So it's not like we weren't warned!This book is written in opposition to the widening of immigration into the United States of America to include people from countries which are not basically and ethnically related to the American people. In a chapter dealing with the alien immigrants and their effect on the Negroes, Mrs Erb shows how in successive generations the new and poor European immigrants have deprived the Negroes of employment, and she suggests this will continue to occur with new immigrants now being allowed to enter the United States.