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08/11/10 - A Reader Objects To Indians (And Others) Banging On The Imperialist Door
From: Upstate New York Reader (Email him)
Re: A "Native American Rights Activist" Demands James Fulford Be Fired; He Replies
I am a reader of (and
contributor to) VDARE.COM. I read the letter
calling for
Fulford's firing by the
"Native American
Here's a couple of books recently written
providing history of Native Americans' treatment of each
other, and, especially, whites. One, The Empire of the Summer Moon, by
S.C. Gwynne is a non-PC and comprehensive look at the
white settlement of the western plains, but
particularly, Texas, and records the horrific tactics of
Comanche in opposing expansion. This book I
was able to get through my public library. (It is
apparently quite popular, as there was quite a wait.)
The other book is A Fate Worse Than Death; Indian Captivities in the West, 1830-1885,
This was NOT available, and I had to purchase it. I guess the subject is REALLY not PC.