A Biden Lie At The Presser: The Current Level Of Border Crossers Is NOT (Of Course) Lower Than When Trump Left Office
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At his press conference, designed to show how sharp he is, Biden said:

“Working with Mexico, border encounters have gone down over 50%. The current level is lower today than when Trump left office.”
Fact Check: Biden Falsely Claims Border Encounters Lower Than When Trump Left Office, Nick Gilbertson, Breitbart, July 12, 2024

How many lies to unpack in one sentence? As Breitbart points out, 84,000 encounters happened this past June, while when Trump left office the number was 75,000. However, even that doesn’t tell the full story. There are all those illegals that Biden is paroling in (unlawfully), and there’s Mayorkas’s expansion of Temporary Protected Status. But perhaps the biggest deception is that of the 75,000 picked up under Trump, most of those were being sent back to their home countries. Whereas, under Biden, most are just given Notices to (dis)Appear (NTAs) and released into the country.

Also, I like Biden’s claim that he’s working with Mexico. Yeah, Mexico is keeping the crossings lower in the hopes that the Democrats win in November, but what happens if they do win? Wonder no more: Mexico will build passenger train lines to US border in an expansion of its debt-laden rail projects,  Associated Press, July 11, 2024.

They are building passenger trains to make the journey even quicker and easier to occur. The United Nation’s “Replacement Migration,” otherwise known as the Great Replacement (control the language/control the narrative), will be continuing at pace.

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