What you notice about the
SPLC Hate Map is that it's a map, not of crime, but of dissidence, in that they take the threat of leafletting and
speeches by, among others
VDARE.com editor Peter Brimelow very seriously.The SPLC says, themselves, that "Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing."
The Amren.com Hate Map is different—it documents criminal attacks on Trump supporters, some of which may have been inspired by the SPLC's propaganda.
Westley Parker writes at Amren.com
The Anti-Trump Hate Map is an ongoing project of American Renaissance that displays criminal incidents in which Trump supporters were targeted for political reasons. Each marker on the map shows the location of an anti-Trump hate crime. Clicking on a marker opens a brief overview of the case. Red markers signify violent crimes; blue markers, property crimes; purple markers, “other” crimes.
You can find additional information about incidents by visiting this page and selecting the “Excel File” tab. By using the blue “Filter” drop-down menu, you can search and sort incidents by such things as location, type of offense, offender and victim race and sex, or in any combination.
We have included the contact information for the police department with jurisdiction over each incident, so if you have any information about a case, we urge you to contact the authorities.
Please share this map with as many people as possible. If you know of a case we missed, or if you have any comments on the map, please contact Westley Parker at [email protected].
Click here for more information on these attacks.
Offenses include a lot of assault, property damage, theft, and as in the image at the top of the page, arson: Trump signs torched, torn down on Lower Shore, GOP says, By Henry Culvyhouse, Bannett.com, October 14, 2016.
The SPLC's hate map, by contrast, isn't about signs being torn down or set on fire—it's about signs going up.