Federal Judge Temporarily Stops Biden’s Wire Cutting In Texas
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Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has enjoined the Biden Regime from cutting or removing the razor wire that Texas authorities have installed at the border to stop Traitor Joe’s Great Replacement invasion of illegals. The opinion came from Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan, a Trump appointee. 

Yet while recognizing that the federal government does not have the right to destroy state property, and that the Border Patrol exceeded its lawful authority when it cut or removed wire, the injunction leaves in place an exception for illegals with medical emergencies. Expect the regime to exploit that loophole to the fullest.

Still, the injunction recognizes that Texas has a public interest in “preventing unlawful agency action and deterring illegal immigration.”

The case isn’t over, but any victory in the fight against the Great Replacement, no matter how small, is welcome.


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