Flight From White In New York State: “MENA“ (Middle Eastern/North African) Individuals Want In On Minority Gravy Train
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Earlier (2016) If The Census Adds a MENA (Middle Eastern/North African) Category That Will Facilitate White Identity Politics

From the New York Post:

‘De-whiting NY’: North Africans, Middle Easterners would lose ‘white’ status under state bill

By Social Links for Rich Calder
Published May 25, 2024, 3:26 p.m. ET

A controversial bill being pushed by lefty legislators in Albany is trying to make the Empire State less “white,” critics say.

The legislation, sponsored by Assemblywoman Jessica González-Rojas (D-Queens) and Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Queens), would mandate state agencies and other entities use separate categories for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) New Yorkers when collecting demographics data—rather than relying on the US Census, which classifies them under one “white” umbrella.

The state Senate on Thursday voted unanimously to pass it, but González-Rojas’ version of the bill is still facing pushback in the Assembly.

Both pols argue “MENA” individuals don’t benefit from so-called “white privilege” and instead face discrimination daily by falsely being associated with the 9/11 terror attacks.

They and other supporters also insist the current system shuts MENA individuals out of qualifying for minority-owned business grants, language programs and other critical government aid and services by labeling them white.

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