Lydia Brimelow: CONSTANT CONTACT cancels—Now More Than Ever, We Need Your Support!
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As you may have noticed, we have a fundraising appeal running right now, pushing back against the #AbolishICE movement. For details on how to give, and about the $20,000 bonus we’ve been offered, click here.

But the appeal started late. I had all my material ready but on the day in question I ran into two major problems:

  1. was suffering an outage because of some internal problem the techies have now fixed, and
  2. More seriously, Constant Contact, our email marketing service of maybe 10 years (at $200 a month!), purged us from their platform.

A couple of days previous, I became aware that our e-bulletins (sign up here) were undelivered. The last time this happened it was the result of a major list expansion triggering a “best practices” review. I had called them up and passed the review with flying colors.

But that was not what happened this time. Instead, the woman representative that I got immediately informed me that my account had been canceled because, and I quote, “We no longer…we don’t service your industry.”

I was puzzled. “What industry? You don’t service non-profits?”

“No,” she said, “white supremacy.”

“White supremacy” is an “industry” now. And we are supposed to be part of it!

Who knew? Where are the profits?!

As is always the case with these Social Justice Warriors and the cowardly corporations they infest, all the answers to my many questions about how and why this decision was made, and what evidence was used to justify it, were lost in bureaucratic limbo.

I was promised a return phone call from the woman in charge of canceling my account. I was told to expect it within 24-48 hours. It never came.

I replied to the email from “Compliance Support” (see screenshot below) asking for an explanation as well as an extension on the time I was allowed to download my data and account information. No response ever came and no extension was granted.

From: Megen MacKenzie []

Sent: 7/13/2018 1:10 PM


Subject: Constant Contact Account    [ ]

Hello Peter,

This message is being sent to inform you that your Constant Contact account with the username "pbrimelow" has been canceled pursuant to Constant Contact's Prohibited Content and Commerce Statement.

Constant Contact has received third party complaints about the email campaigns that you are sending through your Constant Contact account.  Our Prohibited Content and Commerce Statement states that, in an effort to maintain the highest levels of email delivery and IP reputation, as well as to adhere to various state, federal, and international laws, we prohibit the use of our websites or any of our products or services by any person or organization that "Provides or posts any material that is grossly offensive, including blatant expressions of bigotry, prejudice, racism, hatred or excessive profanity or that is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing or otherwise objectionable."

These types of email campaigns frequently trigger spam complaints, adversely affecting Constant Contact's reputation and ability to deliver email. Upon review, we have determined that your account violates our Prohibited Content and Commerce Statement. As a result, your account has been canceled.

You can still log in to your account until 7/20/2018, so you can export your contact lists.

We highly encourage you to export your opt-outs (from your Do Not Mail list).

Federal law requires that you honor all opt-out requests indefinitely, regardless of future mailing platforms, unless you receive a new explicit opt-in request for that address.

We also processed a refund of $196.95 for your payment dated 7/10/2018.

To review Constant Contact's Terms

and Conditions or Prohibited Content and Commerce Statement, please see the links below:

Please don't  hesitate to call or email if you have any concerns.

Thank you,

Look, there are other email marketing companies. We’ll survive. But the idea that censorship of patriots on social media (and elsewhere) is “baseless” – as claimed by Aaron Rupar’s  piece (House Republican lies about conservative ‘censorship’ on Fox News) published the same day as our purge on—well, that’s willful blindness. Here’s a quick list of companies that have purged

  1. Amazon Associates
  2. Google AdSense
  3. PayPal
  4. 5 (yes five!) hotels around the country that broke conference contracts
  5. Constant Contact

And that’s nothing compared to what is going on out there with other patriot groups. The Mainstream Media flap and squawk about Putin’s supposed oppression of political opponents, but the exact same thing they accuse Putin of doing in Russia—preserving the form of democracy while subverting its content through extra-legal suppression— is happening in America with impunity.

One of my libertarian friends once told me, “The more restrictions there are, the more ingenious people become.” And for high-agency people like my colleagues at, that’s definitely true. We are learning fast. I am boot-strapping this organization ever-nearer to self-reliance every day. And I hope to take the movement with me.

But I can’t do any of it without your support. It’s not easy to reinvent the wheel. And it’s certainly not free.

Please give your most generous donation today.

Contact Constant Contact: Contact Constant Contact CEO Jonathan Kateman by email, through LinkedIn, or phone Constant Contact headquarters at : 781-472-8100.

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