Many Non-Citizens Are Already Registered To Vote
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Previously, I mentioned about illegal aliens voting. I should elaborate that it is often legal non-citizens voting. I talked with an employee of USCIS once (not sure of his exact job title, may have been an Adjudications Officer) who was telling me that he ran across Resident Aliens (Green Card holders) who were in the process of naturalizing and who had already been registered to vote. His supervisor told him he still had to sign off on their paperwork unless the Resident Alien had been convicted of illegally voting previously. Being registered to vote was not sufficient.

The left-wing Mockingbird Media is seeking to get ahead of the problem by saying the typical, “It’s not happening and it’s good that it is.” In the meantime, more and more conservatives are raising the alarm about this. The latest comes from Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit [Undercover Video Exposes Illegal Aliens Admitting to Being Registered to Vote in North Carolina, July 4, 2024]. The Heritage Foundation’s  Oversight Project and went to an apartment complex in Charlotte, North Carolina (North Carolina is overrun with aliens both legal and not) where they asked residents if 1) Are you registered to vote, and 2) Are you a citizen? Assuming the residents answered honestly (that’s a pretty big assumption) four out of 41 answered yes, I’m registered to vote, and no, I’m not a citizen to the questions. A low percentage, but still, the percentage should be zero, not one, NADA.

Sure, the Democratic Party might seem to be in disarray right now after Biden’s debate, but do not underestimate the Open Borders Party. They have social media on their side, they have the courts on their side, they have legacy media on their side, and they have NeoCon Republicans on their side. Add voter fraud to that and Trump has an uphill fight.  

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