Mexico's Electoral Affirmative Action Program For Women Gamed By Regular Mexican Guys Claiming To Be Trans
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In Mexico, the LGBTXYZ movement is very powerful. In the recent election, all three presidential candidates pledged allegiance to it.

Mexican election law has an affirmative action program for political candidates, requiring a certain proportion to be female. There are also affirmative action positions for homosexuals and transgender candidates. And racial minorities.

On the other hand, Mexicans have a real talent for gaming the system.

That’s what some candidates in the state of Michoacan did. Eight male candidates ran for various offices as transgender females—and won.

Five of them were elected as mayors of 5 cities and three of them as city council persons in 3 different cities. The 8 candidates represented 7 political parties.

From Mexico News Daily:

Eight male political candidates who won local elections in Michoacán last month registered as trans women have prompted state electoral officials to launch an investigation. The Electoral Institute of Michoacán (IEM) says it’s investigating the cases of eight municipal positions intended for women under gender parity laws that were won by male candidates posing as transgender women.
Michoacán investigates 8 male political candidates who posed as trans women, by Mexico News Daily Staff, Mexico News Daily, July 3, 2024

Look at the photos of these eight guys and tell me that they are ”transgenders” who identify as female.

Despite their fraudulent actions, the winning male candidates could take office unless their cases are pursued in court, said Claudia Zavala Pérez, an advisor to the National Electoral Institute (INE). They were elected on June 2. Zavala Pérez condemned the acts of “identity theft” and called the men’s actions “unacceptable and unworthy” while speaking in front of the INE’s Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Commission.

Claudia is outraged about this, and thinks Mexican society must be as well.

“Society must be outraged,” she declared. “We must raise our voices because what happened cannot be allowed.”

She highlighted that these men dishonestly took positions meant for individuals who have historically faced discrimination. In at least one case, the cisgender man who registered as a trans woman candidate never even stopped referring to himself with male pronouns.

It’s been called a ”misuse” of affirmative action.

The controversy brings to light the misuse of affirmative action policies designed to provide marginalized groups with political representation.

In Mexico, parity laws have been in place since 2021 to ensure diverse representation in elected positions, including candidates from sexually diverse groups, people with disabilities, Afro-Mexicans and Indigenous people.

They set up discriminatory laws for candidates. They recognize a phony sexual identity. Then they’re surprised when clever people game the system?

And here’s the kicker. It’s quite possible that nothing will happen to these eight guys. They may well be able to assume the offices they won, despite the shrieking. And here’s why:

Zavala Pérez pointed out that requiring proof of sexual identity was considered discriminatory, a stance upheld by the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF). Thus, the cisgender men did not have to certify their transgender status in any way when registering as candidates.

So they probably can’t stop or punish these guys. That’s because just to require proof of their ”sexual identity” would in and of itself be discriminatory!

You can’t make this stuff up!

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