I reported this truth in my piece on the expulsion of Mark Williams and his Tea Party Express from the National Tea Party Federation. The NAACP held a press conference calling the tea party movement to banish the racists from hits ranks. When Williams penned a satirical letter to Abraham Lincoln from the NAACP's chief Ben Jealous, the federation knee-capped him.
Now, we learn as my piece on Williams reported, that Ferraro was more right than she thought.
"Journolist" is that inchoate collection of left-wing journalists who conspired in cyber-space to protect Obama the candidate from the growing scandal of his association with hate minister Jeremiah Wright.
A top journolist member called leftist George Stephanopolous a "disgusting little rat snake" because a debate the former Clinton information minister moderated with Charles Gibson included questions about Wright for Obama: "'Do you think Reverend Wright loves America as much as you do?" Stephanopolous asked.
Beyond that, of Obama's conservative media critics, another journolister suggested this: "call them racists." The same fellow suggested a plan for dealing with these "racists:" "[F]ind a rightwinger's [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window."
Today, The Daily Caller reported that journolisters expected the government shut down Fox News.
There you have it: Anyone who opposes Obama is a racist. News organizations that don't toe the party line must be censored.
But the media are not, of course, biased.