Terror Attack Coming? Border Agents And Families Threatened, Biden Imported 63K From Countries Trump Banned
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Traitor Joe Biden isn’t just importing and releasing millions of penniless, illiterate illegal aliens who are looking for jobs and free stuff. He’s also importing terrorists. Americans should be prepared for a highly coordinated nationwide terror attack like the one Hamas recently launched against Israel. Just in time for a planetary Day of Rage/Jihad, two recent reports suggest that we’re in for trouble because of Biden’s illegal-alien invasion.

Ali Bradley of News Nation TV reports that U.S. Customs and Border Protection alerted agents that someone who is planning at least torture if not murder is looking for their addresses.

“We will pay for any addresses of border patrol agents!!” a text message intercepted by CBP says. And whoever they are will pay $200 for an agent’s address, and $1,000 for “they mommas” address. “I’ll post us torturing any bp agent u send,” another message promised.

Whether that threat is serious, Jack Posobiec of Human Events has warned, quite correctly, that a Hamas-like strike is a strong possibility.

We might expect such an attack for three reasons. First, no one in the regime knows just how many terrorists Biden has imported and released with the millions of illegals.

Second, Jewish Family Services is busing Muslims across the border.

Third, and perhaps most significantly, the Biden Regime ended POTUS 45 Donald Trump’s misnomered “Muslim ban” and immediately began importing formerly banned Great Replacers:

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data for Fiscal Year 2022 gives insight into the volume of legal immigration to the U.S. from countries that former President Donald Trump had placed on a travel ban list because they either did not share critical national security data or were found to harbor and sponsor terrorists.

Biden, in January 2021, ended the travel ban.

Those travel countries, by 2020, were Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Myanmar, Eritrea, Sudan, Tanzania, and Kyrgyzstan.

From October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022, Biden brought nearly 63,000 legal immigrants from the travel ban countries to the U.S. on green cards—about 7,300 of which arrived as chain migrants, while more than 4,300 arrived through the Diversity Visa Lottery.

Joe Biden Brought 63K Immigrants to U.S. from Travel Ban Countries in First Year, by John Binder, Breitbart, October 11, 2023

We don’t know how many he imported in fiscal 2023.

Biden is already responsible for the crimes his Great Replacement illegals commit. Soon, he might be responsible for a wave of nationwide terror attacks.

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