Tim Pawlenty Commits The Most Boring Campaign Mailing. Ever.
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The other day in my (actual) mailbox was a campaign mailing from Tim Pawlenty, the former Minnesota governor. I get tons of stuff like this, probably because I actually have written checks to candidates (Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul, for instance), so I must be marked "green" on that massive, secret list of suckers they keep somewhere. I don't usually send money, but I like to open the envelopes and read those emphatic papers with all the underlining and bold.

Don't Let Me Down, Anonymous Attorney!

I was surprised that Pawlenty didn't mention immigration — or any other social issue — anywhere. It was all about financials, budgets and numbers. Pawlenty didn't even toss in that anemic line about the need to "secure our borders", which even Democrats can sometimes muster. No hard shots at Obama. Just a lot of small lettering and a slightly dopey-looking Pawlenty and his wife, staring up into the sky. Needless to say, I was not inspired to write a check to the Pawlenty campaign.

It's unfortunate that the press only allows Republicans to be either boring (Jon Huntsman) or crazy (Michele Bachmann), but Pawlenty doesn't help matters with a mailing like this.

My personal pick to enter the GOP field: Kris Kobach.

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