U.S. Customs and Border Protection has updated the numbers on the Southwest Land Border Encounters as of Tuesday, which is pretty quick. ”Encounters” and ”Inadmissibles” are down 30 percent this month:
Here’s our interactive chart, updated as usual:
Does this mean the Biden Administration has started doing its duty and is protecting the border even a little bit? Of course it doesn’t. See Border Patrol Agents Now Under Orders To Cut Barbed Wire, Bring In Illegal Aliens!.
The first explanation for the dip is that it started to get dangerously hot in June, and that discourages crossers.
The second is that it is redefining a great many ”Inadmissibles” as ”Admissible” through parole amnesties and such, and flying them in from Central America.
So don’t believe this slight dip means anything good.