David Azerrad At NatCon: Lawfare Against VDARE.com Part Of Larger War On Whites
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Yoram Hazony’s National Conservatism Conference refused to admit Peter and Lydia Brimelow in 2019. See “East is East And West is West”: What The Hazony/Brog Heresy Hunt Says About July’s “National Conservative Conference”in spite of sending an email invite in the first place, apparently because VDARE.com is too Nationalist, or too Conservative

We referred to this conference as the Gatekeeper’s Ball.

That’s why I was surprised to see us namechecked in David Azerrad’s plenary address at the latest National Conservatism Conference in Washington, DC on July 10, 2024. Azerrad, born in Montreal, is a Hillsdale professor and contributor to Chronicles magazine.

The address, below, is called Enemies of the State: The Left’s Schmittian Politics, referencing Carl Schmitt’s famous ”friend-enemy” distinction:

If you go to 3:50 in the video above, or click here, you’ll hear this:

Now the Regime’s lawfare extends not just to individuals who challenge it but also to institutions that do not toe the party line. Do you remember when Lois Lerner’s IRSw as targeting the Tea Party groups during the Obama Administration or when the IRS during the Obama Administration leaked the donor list of the National Organization for Marriage in order to hurt them or look at what’s going on right now with VDARE.

VDARE is an anti-immigrant website [We’ve been explaining for years that ”opposed to mass immigration” is not the same as anti-immigrant] run by Peter Brimelow. they’ve spent the last three years fighting off an investigation by New York’s AG Letitia James. They’ve also been kicked off of Facebook, YouTube, PayPal, Constant Contact and Airbnb among other businesses that are permitted to deny services to a nonprofit on ideological grounds. If you’re lucky the punishment is the process.  if you’re not you end up broke and incarcerated. I don’t think I need to tell you that while the law comes down hard on these and other political dissidents, people who riot and loot on behalf of approved causes are either not prosecuted—like the recent wave of pro-Palestinian mobs—or they get off pretty lightly. 

The average prison sentence for the few BLM rioters who have been prosecuted is months. It’s not a double standard, it’s Sam Francis’s concept of Anarcho Tyranny just expanded and applied more aggressively

The Tyranny—that is the Draconian enforcement of the laws—applies not just to ordinary citizens but also to political and ideological enemies and the Anarchy or the non-enforcement of laws extends beyond petty criminals to politically well-connected individuals and disorderly groups whose causes are blessed by the regime. That, however is not my focus today I want to look at another category of enemies and who are not targeted the same way as these individuals and institutions instead of being prosecuted and investigated they are excoriated and humiliated and they are not demonized primarily for what they do, but for who they are.

Whites, first and foremost, who belong to the accursed race that has wrought so much misery upon the rest of humanity followed closely by men whose toxic effusions of masculinity threaten women and other men everywhere followed lastly by Christians who still cling to their repressive sexual morality and want to impose it on others. At its core the regime today is anti-white, anti-male, and anti-Christian.

Whites, men, and Christians are the wicked Triune that stands opposite to the left’s Holy Trinity of BIPOCs, women and the LGBTQ but in the secular Church Of Wokeness the ruling passion is not love it is hate—the Left ultimately hates whites more than it likes people of color. [Links added]

So what he’s saying is that the lawfare against VDARE.com is part of a larger War on Whites by the Left.

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