Sailer In TakiMag: What If I'm Right? (Again!)
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Earlier: SAILER AT THE CASTLE: What If I’m Right About Race Etc.? Neither Utopia Nor Apocalypse, But Improvement In Discourse [WITH Q&A!]

From my new Taki’s Magazine column:

What if I’m more or less right about how the world works?

What if my way of thinking is, in general, more realistic, insightful, and reasonable than the conventional wisdom?

What would that imply?

Note that I dislike thinking of my system of noticing as an ideology that demands certain policies. I don’t propound “Sailerism.” I lack the ambition and the ego. I am by nature a staff guy rather than a line boss. I’ve never especially wanted to be a George W. Bush-like “decider.”

Instead, I like being a noticer. I’d rather explain to you the trade-offs. Indeed, I most of all want to show you how you can make use of my techniques for figuring out things for yourself.

My basic insight is that noticing isn’t all that hard to do if only you let yourself: The world actually is pretty much what it looks like, loath though we may be to admit it.

Read the whole thing there.

[Comment at]

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